My man, My man, my man

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Bonnie Davis

"Kristoff, come, now!" I demanded as he was running around in the backyard. He came towards me and we went back into the building, everyone said Ciao and rubbed him as I laughed at how playful he got.

It has been...ten months since I've last seen Enzo. I talk to everyone else and even baby Isaiah was trying to talk to me even though he is six months. Enzo and I left on good terms it was just hard to adjust at first, but I've been doing missions and hanging out with new friends here at the compound.

Oh, Ty and Raven got back together and they are engaged, so I can't wait for that, but Thanksgiving is coming up and I've decided to surprise them all by going back to the estate with Kristoff. I haven't seen any of them in two months, but we still call each other, Enzo is still my boss that shouldn't affect me much.

Enzo Romano

"Okay, you can go now." I stated as I buttoned up my pants. Bridget left my office and I put back on my clothes from having her suck me off.
I miss Bonnie every fucking day, but I can't change what happened. I've killed every man that was involved when she was beaten, I tortured and killed Tony months ago. I kept him alive for two months as he continued to get tortured by my men so he can see how Bonnie felt.

"Enzo, watch him for me, please!" Zuri said as she came into my office with her son. I nodded but went to wash my hands before grabbing him, he laughed and I smirked at him.

"Thank you!" she said before running off. I walked him over to the snake that I kept because Bonnie gave it to me. Isaiah laughed as I let him touch the snake, I took it out and gave it to him, Zuri hates when I bring him around the snake, but she's not here to stop

"Daa," Isaiah sounded and I picked him up as and put the snake back.
"Okay, now when we try to get cute girls you have to be sexy, like this," I said, I made a look that caused him to laugh. I rolled my eyes and continued to do looks until my door opened causing me to look back, Bonnie stood there with a smile on her face. My heart accelerated and I picked up Isaiah and walked over to her.

Bonnie Davis

I opened the door to the house and Antonio was about to shoot me, until he dropped his chips to hug me. He squeezed me tight and everyone else came and hugged me when they saw me.

"Where is Isaiah?" I asked Elijah.

"Enzo's office, I'll go get-

"No, it's fine, I'll go," I said before going upstairs. I haven't been here in a while, I almost got lost until I heard Isaiah's laugh.

I knocked on the door and opened it, Enzo was sitting there making faces at Isaiah before he seen me and his face froze. I smiled and he picked up Isaiah before coming towards me with him, my heart picked up pace and my breath hitched.

"Hi, my baby!" I said in a baby voice as I grabbed Isaiah from Enzo. Kristoff ran into the office and jumped on Enzo causing him to laugh, they are about the same size which was funny to me, so I laughed.

"He's gotten so big!" Enzo said as he scratched his head.
"Yeah, he's spoiled as well." I said while laughing. He stood up and came towards me.

He's gotten so much bigger, his muscles are showing through his shirt, he has rings on each finger, his ear is pierced, his nose is pierced and his hair grew. I forced myself to not bite my lip, but it was hard.

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