I love my little family

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Bonnie Davis

"Ro!" I called out. Aurora has been at the mansion for a whole week and she has already gotten along with everyone here. I make sure she is fed and given her medicine because she was very malnourished, but she's doing a little better now. Lexi went shopping for her and she has so many new things. I know everyone will be sad when she finally has to go.

"Antonio, put her down!" I yelled as Antonio had Aurora on his neck, fighting with Lexi as she was on Raven's neck. Antonio threw Aurora to the couch making her scream then laugh. I, on the other hand, had a fucking heart attack.

"Come, take your medicine, Ro." I said. She pulled down her dress that is now ruined and ran to take a pill. "I told you before. You have a dress on, so you can not be doing this-

"But it was Antonio's idea, Mom." She said, sarcastically and everyone laughed. I glared and her smile faded. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry." She said and I nodded. Enzo came in from the front door and Ro ran to him.

"Sorry, I forgot-

"You promised, Enzo." Aurora whined and I rolled my eyes.

He promised her donuts and he forgot them. He always does.

"I will bring them-

"Next time." She finished and walked away, but he grabbed her.
"We will go for donuts later if your room is clean, deal?" He asked and a huge smile formed on her face.

"Deal!" She said and I laughed. She rushed to go clean her room, and Lexi was out of breath while climbing onto Antonio.

The lovely couple, Ew.

"How was work?" I asked Enzo. He smiled and kissed my cheek.
"The usual, now, did you eat?" He asked and kissed my stomach. I laughed.

"Yes, I ate, capo." I said and he hummed. Ro came running downstairs in shorts and a long crop top. Something Lexi encourages her to wear.

"Too short." Enzo and Antonio said as they pointed to her shorts.

"Oh, come on! I have given away all of my short dresses, skirts, and shorts. These aren't even that bad." She complained. They were regular shorts that I am fine with her wearing.

"It's hot, she can wear them." I said. She came to me and I put her hair into a ponytail. Enzo smiled at us and I smiled back.

"Okay, you are good to go-

"Nope! Her room is a mess." Zuri came downstairs and said. Ro huffed and complained while I shook my head.

I know it has only been a week, but we spoil her with so many gifts. She then plays with all of the toys and mess up her entire room, she is the queen of messes.

"It's clean enough, right, Tonio?" She asked Antonio. He nodded.

"Yes, it's perfect, princess." He said and patted her head. Enzo rolled his eyes.

"Let's go before I change my mind." Enzo said. Antonio and Ro ran out and Enzo was following behind them. I went to catch up with him and I grabbed his arm.

"Please, be careful." I said and looked at Aurora who was her happy happy self. He kissed my cheek, twice.

"I promise, I will keep her safe." He told me. I nodded and watched Antonio help her into the car. I grabbed Enzo's face and kissed him. He was taken by surprise before kissing me back, I ran my hand through his hair and he put me up against the one closed front doors. I moaned and he grabbed my butt, I opened my eyes and seen the guards looking straight ahead and almost laughed. Someone honked and I yelped.

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