Girls day

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Bonnie Davis

It was hard getting everything moved in the house with only two weeks to spare. I'm almost eight months pregnant and I'm struggling like hell to make this house perfect for the baby and Aurora. She's with her dad right now and I'm designing her room, perfectly. I put a queen sized bed in here and her own candy bar like at her dad's house. I got her a mini fridge full of snacks and drinks. Her closet is full of things and I decorated her bathroom to match her room.

She is doing better and I am just ready for us to be here, alone.

"Hello?" I answered my phone.

"Mom, dad wants to take my phone." Aurora said and I mopped the living room. I hummed. "Mom! Did you hear me?" She asked.

"Yes, baby, I heard you. Why does he want to take your phone?" I asked and gave the house a once over. I can't wait to see the look on her face when she sees the house completed.

"Because..." She said as if that was an answer. I waited longer. "Because what, Aurora, I can't read your mind." I said and she huffed.
"I might have, sorta kinda, set his couch on fire." She said and my face froze.

"What?!" I yelled.

"It was Antonio's fault! He gave me the lighter and poured hand sanitizer on the couch! He said he saw a video that said it wouldn't burn and it didn't burn the guy's hand in the video, mom, but it burnt dad's couch and now he's angry with me." She explained, quickly.

Antonio is going to be the death of me.

"Where is your dad?" I asked her.

"In front of me scolding me. He might actually have smoke coming from his ears-

"Aurora!" He yelled at her through the phone. I heard shuffling. "Hello?" Enzo said. "Yeah?" I asked and sat on the couch.

"My couch is burnt." He said.

Duh, I know that.

"Yes, I heard her the first time. Take her phone-

"Mom!" Aurora yelled and I am sure she snatched the phone.
"I can't talk to Eliana and Christian if I don't have my phone. Please, don't let him do this!" She begged.

"You can talk to them when you get your phone back. Maybe that will teach you not to listen to everything Antonio says. I'm coming to get you tomorrow anyways." I said and she squealed.

"Really?! The house is done?!" She asked and I hummed a yes.
"I just finished your room today, I know you will love it." I said and she cheered making me laugh.

She has yet to be in here. We stayed with Enzo the first week and I watched over her carefully and it hurt me every time she cried, but now she is back to her happy self. She can't do too much, but she's stable .


I pulled up to Enzo's house and I got out. I walked to the house and guards opened the door for me. Aurora was punching Antonio and wrestling with him and Lexi. Enzo was on his computer doing work as he was on the couch.

"Mom!" Aurora squealed. I laughed and she ran to me. She hugged me and I hugged her back. "Are you ready to go?" I asked and she nodded.

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