The security tapes

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Bonnie Davis

"Give me the popcorn!" Antonio yelled while snatching the popcorn from Raven. Raven slapped his hand and took the popcorn from him.

We were all gathered into the movie room and played the tape from yesterday.

Previously on yesterday's events,

"Oh, so y-you all failed at the challenge, now you must get a tattoo, q-queens orders," I demanded. Junior came in with the tattoo gun while high. He laughed at literally nothing as he prepared.

Antonio whispered in my ear and I pushed him off.

"Get off dog, I will not ...h...h-having sex with you!" I yelled at him.

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Enzo stared at Antonio with anger as he balled up his fist.
"Don't get mad because I don't know what happened between you and Sasha." I reminded him. He glared at me and I smirked while throwing my knife up and down.
"Start that tape!" I yelled and Raven pressed play.

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"Enzo, Antonio's flirting with your girl!" Elijah yelled out while I dyed Zuri's hair as she slept. Junior started to tattoo them and Lexi helped me with Zuri's hair.

The guards were standing there looking bored, so Ty suggested that they should start drinking and to not stress.

"I have to go, but please be careful...please!" Enzo said to me. He wasn't really drunk, but he was tipsy. He left and I jumped up.

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"So, you were barely drunk and you let them tattoo me!" Antonio yelled. Enzo shrugged and drank some water, I slapped his chest and he choked.

"You let them tattoo me as well!" I yelled. Raven and Sasha agreed and Enzo shrugged.

"I only remember when they tattooed Antonio and Raven...that's it!" He yelled. I rolled my eyes and Raven started the tape.

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"Okay, now that the party pooper is gone...who wants to skinny dip in Enzo's indoor pool?" I asked and everybody raised their hands except for Sasha.
"Not me, I want to do something else...I'll be back." She said before leaving. I shrugged and took off my clothes leaving me in my bra and panties.

Switching to outdoor camera- Everyone followed me to the pool, Ty and Raven did a backflip into the pool while I dipped my feet.

I finally walked back to the ballroom while the guards were still there and they all waved at me. I smirk and went to them.
"Come take a shot off of me!" A guard yelled and I ran over to do it.
I licked the salt from his stomach until I reached the shot and I drank it. I coughed some then ate the lime from his mouth, clearly almost kissing him.

"Aye, she's the fun one...Whoop Whoop!" Everybody started cheering for me until I left to find Enzo.

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