Sorry for hurting you, biggie

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Bonnie Davis

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. I shot up from the bed and threw the covers off.

"Calm down, amore! You are safe!" Enzo said then tried to reach for me. As soon as he reached for me, I backed up. His lips formed a frown so I knew I made him upset.

"Don't pull away from me!" He stated before trying to grab me again, but I stood up and moved to the other side of the bed.

"Stop it, Enzo!" I yelled when he kept trying to come closer to me. I cried as I kept running from him and when I finally tried to open the door. The door was locked.

"Enzo, let me go!" I cried while trying to open the door. "I'm scared! Please!" I begged as I continued to struggle with the door.

"Y-you're scared of me?" His question kind of hurt. He finally grabbed me and pulled me into him, I tried to get out of his hold but he held me tight. "You are not scared of me, Bon." he said while grabbing my face, gently as always.

I just...I just don't feel safe around him anymore. The lies and the drugging me has got to stop! I told him over and over again but he never listens. We are toxic and it's not good.

"E-Enzo, I am! keep drugging me! You lie and take action without considering the consequences. I'm done always being the one to forgive you. I'm tired, Enzo! I...I want to go home! I-I considered this being my home when I came, but ruined it! All of you did! I just want my mom!" I yelled out while crying. I fell to the floor and covered my face with my hands. "I can't! I-I can't do th-this shit anymore!" I kept saying to myself.

I am stressed, tired, and just done! Everyday I cry and cry, and for what? Just to get hurt by people again and again? No, I'm not! I don't give a fuck if I die trying to get the fuck out of this place.

"Bon?" Enzo said while sitting in front of me. He pulled my hands from my face and started to wipe my tears.

"Hm?" I sounded while looking up at him. He smiled a little while wiping my tears.

"I'm going to take you home...I will take you home, baby." he said then pulled me in as I started to cry again. I wrapped my arms around his neck and let him carry me back to bed.

"Y-You're g-g-going to let me go home?" I asked to make sure I didn't hear him wrong. He nodded and frowned while I smiled, a little.
"Thank you, Enz!" I said as I kissed his cheek. I ran into my closet and grabbed my suitcase.

When I came back out, Enzo was gone.

I shrugged my shoulders and started packing all of my shit.


Enzo Romano

"I can't believe she fucking wants to leave!" I yelled then threw the office phone to the wall. I threw papers and pencils into the fireplace.

I picked up my phone and told my pilot to get the plane ready. I shoved my phone back into my pants and made my way to my sidebar, I poured myself a glass of Bourbon and instead of sipping on it, I shot it back then downed another before pouring yet another glass. I took the glass to my desk and sat down with my feet propped up.

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