Happy Death Day, Bitch!

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Bonnie Davis

"Daada!" Alanna kept repeating. I rolled my eyes with a sigh and Aurora sat at the table doing her home work.

It has been five months since we've last seen Enzo. I thought maybe he would come back, but he never did. Aurora is turning the big ten in two weeks and she's not excited, she could care less and she isn't as active as she used to be. I put her back in therapy and that seemed to help a lot and I am seeing improvements.

"Say thank you." I told Aurora.

"Thank you, Levi." She said to the person I have been seeing for the past two months. He is only here because Aurora caught us...working together and she told me I could tell her the truth, so I told her that he's a person I am seeing. We aren't together, but we are close friends.

"Do you want one?" Levi asked me and held out a strawberry for me. I laughed and bit into it. He kissed my cheek and ate the rest making me laugh.
"Don't." I said to Alanna as she laid on her stomach trying to reach for her toy.

I haven't sent pictures to Enzo and every time he tries to get into contact with me I ignore it or Aurora does. I got her a new phone and she didn't bother to give Enzo her number. I figured I would though just in case.

Levi left and Aurora sighed.

"I don't like him." She said and I laughed. I stood up and walked over to her as she sat at the table. "Why not?" I asked.

"Because he's ugly and dad will be-

"That's mean, Aurora! He's handsome-

"Dad is better." She said and I rolled my eyes.

"Well, Your dad left so-...I'm sorry, baby, I didn't mean to say that." I said and covered my mouth. She nodded and finished what she was doing. Her phone started ringing and it was an unknown caller.

"Hello?" She answered and put it on speaker.

"Aurora, it's dad." Enzo said through the phone. She froze and I frowned.
"I have to go, bye." She said and immediately hung up. "M-mom." She hyperventilated and I was confused.

"Baby, come here!" I said and grabbed her.

"Breathe!" I told her as she scared me. I held her chest and her heart beated, rapidly. I caressed her face and she cried.
"It's okay, baby." I whispered and kissed her face. She hugged me and I picked her up to carry her upstairs, I took her to her room and laid her in her bed.

"I'm okay." She said and I nodded. I kissed her and went to grab Alanna. I gave Alanna to her and Alanna grabbed her hair.
"Okay!" I yelled and helped get her hair from the baby's fist. "Mom!" Aurora yelled and Alanna laughed. Aurora laughed as well and I finally got her hair free.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think she would do that." I laughed and so did they.

Alanna has so much hair and surprisingly she looks like me. I know mom will be flying to see her for the first time for Aurora's birthday. Things haven't been the best between us since everything that happened, but we're getting better.

"Mom, you gave dad my number?" She asked and sat up with Alanna on her lap clapping.

"You will get mad if I say yes, but I only gave it to him in case of emergencies. I didn't think he would call you and plus-

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