You're still my good girl

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Bonnie Davis

Aurora and I drank hot coco and baked cookie as we decorated the house. We had fun singing to Christmas songs and dancing. We wore matching pajamas and knowing that Christmas is in another week, I have so many gifts to wrap and I have to watch videos because Enzo isn't here to do it.

"Mom, can we build a snowman if it snows?" Aurora asked. I laughed.

"Of course!" I said and finished decorating my cookie. Aurora didn't go to school today, so I have been making sure she does her work online then she can play. A lot of kids in her school doesn't have parents so they keep school open for them. They should let out one of these days. They just give them free days and Christmas balls/parties.

Aurora didn't want to go to the winters ball, so she didn't.

Enzo left two days ago and she doesn't even want to talk to him. When he calls she ignores it, so I do the same. I support her and if this is what she wants, so be it.

"Dad's calling again." I said. She looked at my phone, and with no hesitation she grabbed it and answered it.

"Bonnie, why haven't you been-

"What, dad?" Aurora asked and wiped the counter. He went silent for a moment.
"Hi, baby, what are you doing?" He asked and she shrugged.

"Having fun with mom baking cookies." She said and he hummed. "I'm sorry for not coming to get you Monday. I had to come here earlier than I expected-

"Why didn't you text mom that before you got on the plane?" She asked and I raised my brows as I had asked the same thing.
"I...forgot, princess." He said and she nodded.

"I have to go. Everything is good and well, we will call if there is a problem." She said, quickly. She hung up and I sipped me some wine. I sat her a wine glass of cranberry juice out and we ate a cookie while going to watch tv.

It was Christmas Eve and I woke up to wrap more presents before the kids wake up. I sipped wine and wrapped gifts. I was wrapping gifts for hours and the tree was spilling presents. Some couldn't fit, so I put it to the side. My phone rang and I ran to answer it.

"Hello?" I answered.
"Are the kids up?" Enzo asked. I sighed and held my head. "No..they're sleeping. I have been wrapping gifts all night and I know Aurora will want to open some today." I said.

"Of course she will. How are you feeling?" He asked me. "A little tipsy." I said.
"What?! Are you drinking?!" He yelled and I groaned.
"Yes, but I had to keep myself active. I'm walking around the house in a robe and a white lingerie set with nothing to do but wrap presents. I should have slept with that man." I said more to myself than him.

"What man-

"I have to go! I have to sweat this off." I said and hung up. I ran to shower and I realize I didn't even have on a lingerie. I am actually going to put on one now though. It's green and it reminds me of Christmas. I put on my short pajama shorts and a crop top.

"Hey, baby." I said as Alanna woke up. I went to get her ready and I laid her up in her swing. When I went to Aurora's room I caught her fiddling with the lock on the candy bar.

"Gotcha!" I yelled and she screamed. I put my hand on my hip. "Whatcha doing?" I asked and she stood up with a smile.

"Merry Christmas Eve, mommy." She said and I hummed while she hugged me.
"Nice try, baby, go brush your teeth and wash your face. Your breath stinks." I said and she laughed. She went to do as I said and I straightened up her room. She came out in underwear. "Go get dressed, crazy!" I said and she huffed.

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