A fucking nightmare

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Bonnie Davis-

*Warning- Read with caution*

I woke up in the middle of the night, Enzo was sleeping beside me, snoring. His arms were wrapped around my waist, securely. I tried to get out of his hold, but his arms just tightened more. When I tried again he just pulled away and turned over. I sighed, being grateful that he didn't wake up.

I got out of bed after checking my phone to make sure no one has texted me. I put the phone in my pajama pockets and made my way out of the room. I walked into my room to get my robe because it was cold,  but as soon as I reached for the robe something cold pressed against my head. I turned around, slowly and came face to face with a man in a black face mask.

"Don't make any noise or this gun will pierce right through-

"Bitch, if you don't skip the threatening bit and tell me what the fuck you want?" I said after folding my arms and sighing. I walked over to my bed as he still held the gun to my head.

He hit me in the back of the head, harshly and everything went black.


I guess I blacked out because he was now following me towards the bed, I gave a confused look and looked around.

He didn't pull the trigger, so that made me certain that he was not here to kill me. He was here to scare and kidnap me.

"I am under the order of my leader, Ray S-

I stood up, abruptly and shook my head.

"No, no, you're mistaken! My uncle is locked up and when does he have...kidnappers with him?" I said, stunned. The man pointed the gun more at me and started to laugh.

"Looks like someone's boyfriend has been keeping secrets, yes?" the man asked with a smirk.
"Your uncle escaped days ago and if you didn't know...he has his own gang." The man said while laughing, I saw red when the man was laughing. I kicked him in the balls, but he stood still.

"Dang, someone's tiny," I stated. The man growled before hitting me in the stomach.

"Would you like to see how small, cagna!" he yelled at me while gripping my hair.
"No, I-I think it being small kind of suits you, yes?" I said while laughing. The man punched me in my stomach again but this time it hurt so bad.

"Enzo! Enzo, Hel-

I got cut off by Elijah and Enzo bursting into the room with men behind them. Enzo tackles the man to the ground and continued to punch him. I on the other hand felt wetness dripping down my leg.


I screamed in pain as Enzo rushed to me. The lights turned on and I saw my pajama pants full of blood, I grabbed hold of my stomach as Enzo and Elijah looked between each other.
I screamed again and Enzo finally picked me up and ran towards his bedroom.

"Hey, baby, hey, it's okay!" Enzo said while I cried, the pain in my stomach started to grow worse as he was on the phone with the doctor. I looked at the blood again and my eyes widened in the notice.

"I-I was pregnant," I stated while watching the blood. Enzo stared at my realization before I looked back. The pain subsided as I started to feel my stomach.
"N-no! No!" I yelled out while crying. Enzo rushed to my side in a heartbeat and held me.
"H-he killed my baby...no!" I yelled while crying out. Enzo continued to shush me as he rocked me back and forth.

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