I'm too young to die!

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Bonnie Davis

I woke up this morning to ringing. I looked to see where the ringing is coming from and it was the phone.

I went over to the phone to turn it off.

"Whoever's phone that is turn it the fuck off!"Ty yelled, tiredly.
"Shut up, you needed to get up anyway. We have a tour of Italy to do today and we are hacking into a phone." Zuri said, excitedly.

"What do you mean by "hacking a phone" Zuri? Whose phone are you about to hack?" Ty questioned.

"We are hacking Bon-

Zuri started to say but I interrupted.

"No one, we aren't hacking anyone's phone today! Now, let's get ready. We have to leave at nine for the tour." I explained to them.

"She said not today. So, that means tomorrow, right?" Zuri whispered to Ty. I rolled my eyes and hit my head in annoyance.

Sometimes I want to slap the fuck out of her.

"I don't think so. Whose phone is it anyway?" Ty questioned again. Zuri smirked.

"It's the handsome GreekGod's phone from last night." Zuri whispered yelled to Ty. Ty gasped and jumped up and down with excitement.

"Damnit, Zuri you can't whisper for shit and we are giving the phone to the waiters. This is wrong!" I said while sighing.

"Like hell you are! We are not returning it, the fuck?" Ty declared as he looked at the phone.
"Right! What Ty said." Zuri said nodding her head, repeatedly.

"Why are you agreeing to this, Ty? This could be dangerous and we could go to jail." I asked him then sighed again.
They looked at me like they didn't give two shits about what I was saying. I gave in after awhile, but was still skeptical.

"Well, what do we do with it?" I asked as if it wasn't obvious enough.
"We break into it, dumbass!" Ty said and rolled his eyes.
He snatched the phone and hooked it up to the computer. He proceeded to hand me the devices.
"Here, you're the one who's good with this computer shit." Ty said while smiling.
I rolled my eyes at him and grabbed the computer and phone.
"Roll them again and the bitches are going to get stuck." Ty said causing me to flip him off.

I started to hack the password and man it's well guarded with all these Security codes and shit, but I got through it successfully. Well, kind of because it sounded a small alarm before it went red, but I got through it.

"I'm through." I stated causing everybody to jump up.

"Hurry up open it!" Zuri said, biting her nails with anticipation.

"I will be patient," I said as I began to open the phone up.

"Let's go through the messages," Ty said causing me to look at him like he was crazy, but he was serious, like always.

"I'm not about to go through his private stuff. We still don't know whose phone it is." I said running my fingers through my hair.
Ty snatched the phone and proceeded to open the photos.

"Oh, yeah, this is not his phone." Ty said and scrolled through the photos.
"What? How do you know?" Zuri asked trying to look at the photos.

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