Everyone's favorite Stripper

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Enzo Romano

Bonnie wouldn't tell me! She wouldn't fucking tell me!

I comforted her all night long and every time I asked she just cried. She was supposed to be safe here, but it seems she was more safe being kidnapped. This is all my fucking fault and I don't even know what all happened, all she said was "he kissed me" just remembering that sentence brought me pain.

We go through this shit together, so whoever fucking touched her is about to be one dead motherfucker when I watch this security tape.

"Pull it the fuck up, what's taking so fucking long?!!" I yelled at Lexi and Antonio, I didn't tell them why I needed it, I just need them to do-

"There it is."

The video started playing and I saw Bonnie walking down the hall, but out of nowhere she stopped and looked back. A man came into view, but his face was blocked off, of course, the motherfucker knew there was a camera! The man talked to her for a while and she let him but in the end, she was hurt.
The man pinned her to the wall...touched her and kissed her. She kicked him in the balls and ran back down the hall.

"What the fuck is this?! Who the fuck had himself on Bon- Bonnie!" Antonio yelled as he threw the computer across the room. Antonio left the room while calling Bonnie and I ran after him.

"Bonnie-...hey, Biggie," he said in a softer voice as he came into the room. Bonnie was sitting on the bed while looking out at the balcony, she looked at Antonio and frowned.

"What do you want?" She asked, she smiles some and stood up, she walked over to him with her hands on her hips.

"I- I saw the security tape, Bonnie." Antonio let out and I grabbed her hand as it seemed she stopped breathing.

"We saw what happened-

"I didn't tell you it was him because I know you needed him!" she let out all in one breath before pacing around the room.

Need? Who do I need?...I only need- Oh, she thinks I know who did it.

"But for him to touch-

"Fransisco would have f-found a way to threaten me, he has so much to threaten me with. He told me you loved Sasha, b-but I didn't ...b-believe him then...h-he kissed me." she cried out in my chest. I looked at Antonio and saw red, I saw nothing but red. When I get my hands on that bitch I swear I will bring hell to him and anyone here who sees him as a friend.

"Fransisco touched you?" Antonio asked as he grabbed her from crying into my chest. She looked up at him and then at me.

"Yo-you didn't know? I thought you saw the security tape." she asked as her nose was turning red, I ignored what she said and punched a hole into the wall. I punched the wall over and over until Antonio pulled me away.

"He touched her! He could have stolen everything from me by hurting the woman I love! I will cut his dick into pieces and feed it to him, I will make sure he knows the true...uhh, I fucking hate him and-

I yelled out and paused as Bonnie jumped back. I grabbed her and pulled her into a hug. I kissed her head, repeatedly and wiped her tears.

Kidnapped in ItalyWhere stories live. Discover now