I don't want to let her go

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Bonnie Davis

It has been...two months and at this point, I've accepted my fate. I've screamed in pain every day, but no one answered, I have been beaten, drugged, and forced to do things I didn't want to do.

Mentions SA‼️- no rape, promise, doesn't make it better tho!

In the end, it's really this, all men are sick! I've never really agreed until a huge man came into my cell and beat me until I was barely even conscious, be then proceeded to force himself to touch me. He touched my breast and kissed me. However, Tony told them not to touch me, so he tied him up and let me cut off his dick.


I haven't eaten since last week and I've lost more weight more than when I starved myself in America. Tony stopped beating me...Um, I think the last time was two weeks ago. I've been healing, but something still hurts, the fact that I miss my bed, food, clothes, showers, friends, and Enzo.

"Bonnie, here!" Guards demanded while throwing a piece of a biscuit at me and laughing. I picked it up and sat back on my bed, he handed me a cup of water that had very little in it. I drank it with the last bit of dignity I had left before throwing it to the wall and crying.

Enzo Romano

It's been for what seems like years since I've seen Bonnie, I miss her smile, her smell, her stubbornness.

The plans to get her that Friday changed the moment he demanded more things and then decided to keep her for his benefit. I've looked all over this fucking Country, I've been to clubs, I've killed over ten thousand people for her, I've run out of time with her and I blame myself.

The tracker she has does not work meaning she's underground or somewhere where the signal doesn't reach. I've cried, screamed, tortured, and more but it still didn't bring her back.

Then there's Antonio, he has been going crazy since she's left. At first, he yelled at everyone and didn't listen to me at all, but after a month passed, he got quiet. He always has on headphones and he stays in his room on most days, Zuri has been depressed which was a huge issue because of the baby, so they left the estate a few weeks ago. Ty is just Ty, the only time we get to laugh is when he says some funny or stupid shit that just doesn't make any sense. He's been light, but he finally broke after the month was over as well, he and Raven broke up so he is at the training compound, staying in Bonnie's old room she had when she was there.

Lexi, Lexi worked day and night to find her, but she gave up after a while, she and Antonio broke up last month because Antonio was aggressive and didn't put in effort into their relationship because he was broken-hearted.

I have been by myself and I have been drinking, Bonnie would kill me if she was to find out, but she's not here to take it from me. I've been making deals and been starting wars with different mafias just because I had the power, I have built my mafia to be so strong from all the fear I put in them. I forced their knee or I took their life or someone in their family's life. I do all this, but the bitches still can't bring me my fucking girl back!!

"Fucking piece of shit!" I yelled as I punched the man over and over. I think he was dead, but I kept punching until Bel pulled me off, I cleaned my hands and took off my bloody shirt as I walked to the office from the basement.

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