Now, let me taste you

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Bonnie Davis

Wow, it feels good to be back!

Enzo has locked himself inside his office and only allows Antonio inside, so that sucks. I wasn't even going to do anything...well, now I am not but it's funny seeing him locked in his office, scared. He's been in there for four days so I'm guessing, no showers? Or unless he waits for me to go to sleep before showering, but whatever.

"Enzo, get the fuck out of this office!" I yelled while banging on the door.

Okay, fine I lied, I am miserable! It was funny on the first few days, but now it's been four days and his ass still hasn't left this room.

"Enzo, if you leave this room we can have angry sex-

The door swung open and I jumped back. A smile was on his face as he pulled me into a hug. He smelt good for someone who has been locked in a office for four days.

"You need a shower!" I stated before pushing him off. He rolled his eyes and started walking.
"I've already showered, amore. I have a bathroom in there, I wasn't scared to come out. I just like messing with you, is all." He stated causing me to pause in my tracks.

"So, you stayed in your office for four fucking days just to mess with me?" I asked him and he nodded with a smile.
"Are you fucking kidding me! I just got back and you are already on that bullshit!" I yelled before grunting. I walked away from him, full of rage and made my way upstairs.

"I haven't eaten anything but fucking sandwiches! He said I can get some Mexican food, lie! He wouldn't hurt me, lie! If you don't want to hurt me, why hold me down while Zuri stuck a fucking needle in and out of my arm?!" I yelled as I threw my shoes to the wall. I heard a knock on the door and I rolled my eyes before going to open it.

"Hi, Anna!" Antonio said and before I could say "hi" back he handed me a paint ball gun.
"I heard you were mad at Enzo, so as the great sister Elsa I am, I brought you something that can hurt him and not kill him. You are welcome!" He stated before running off. I rolled my eyes.

"You're only helping me because you don't want me to tell everybody that I caught you and Lexi fucking!" I yelled while he ran. He paused in his steps and fast walked back my way. I grabbed the paintball gun and aimed it at him, he paused in his tracks then lifted up his hands in surrender.

"You should have never gave someone a weapon then try to come back to hurt them!" I yelled at him before pressing the trigger. I missed and he took off running, I ran after him until he ran behind Enzo when we went into the living room.

"What are you doing now- ow! What the fuck, Bonnie?!" Enzo yelled as I shot him in the leg. When he bent over to grab his leg and I got a clear view of Antonio before shooting him three times in the chest.
"Fuck!" He yelled as he hit the ground.

"Yes, four points Bonnie, zero points Antonio and Enzo!" I said as I jumped up and down. Zuri was laughing as she laid on Elijah's chest. I aimed the gun a them and their smiles faded.

"Remember, when you stuck a needle in my arm, it hurt like a bitch, by the way! And I said not to do it?" I asked and she pushed off of Elijah and jumped behind the couch.

"Damn, you just left your man unattended like that? That's foul!" I yelled out while laughing. Enzo snatched the gun from my hand before walking away with it. I ran after him but with his long legs, I couldn't keep up.

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