I'm back, bitches!

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Bonnie Davis

We finally made it back to the estate and I ran towards it. The doors opened for me and I ran inside screaming.

"I'm back bitches!" I yelled while running upstairs. I high fived at least six guards on my way to my room.

I opened my room door to see nothing has changed. It's like no one has stepped foot in my room since I left and that made me excited. I know Antonio's ass has been in my room because he tried to prank me but I was gone. I jumped into bed and started jumping until I flapped back down hard, on my back.

"Ouch, that hurt!" I groaned then got back out of bed. Enzo was standing in the doorway with a smile on his face. I opened my arms, wide inviting him in for a hug. He laughed and shook his head "no". I stood up from bed with my arms still open and walked over towards him.

"I don't want a hug." He stated with his arms folded. I dropped my arms and frowned.
"Why?" I asked with a frown still plastered on my face. He rolled his eyes and dropped his arms.

"I just don't want one, amore. But I'll kiss you," he said while walking closer to me. I stepped back and flipped him off before walking back to the bed.
"I can't roll my eyes but he rolls his all the time. It's not fair!" I mumbled to myself. Enzo pulled my arms, trying to get me up but I pulled away.

"No, you don't want a hug, remember?" I said while rolling my eyes. He squinted his eyes before walking towards the door, I followed after him as he was heading down the hall.

We made it to his room and he opened the door. I walked in after him and slammed the door shut.

"Why are-

He cut me off by choking me to the door.

"I think we forgot about the rules since you've been gone, yes?" he said while taking his hand from my neck and grabbing my hands to pin them to the wall. I shifted a little but still held my ground.

"When I say do something, amore, you do it! If I can do something and I tell you that you can't do it. Guess what? You can't fucking do it! I am the Capo around here, bambina. Not you!" he yelled to me before letting me go. I rolled my eyes behind his back and reached for the doorknob. Before I could leave the room, Enzo picked me up and walked over towards the bad, to throw me down.

"Enzo, I just got here-

"I know, and I want to know why you have a nasty-ass attitude with me?" He said while hovering on top of me. I was glad I had on sweatpants because he's being a little too touchy.

"I don't have an attitude, Enz! I need to get up!" I yelled at him while trying to push him off of me. He grabbed my wrist and pinned them above my head, then started kissing my neck.
"Ba-...ow!" I yelled to Enzo as he bit my neck. He started sucking on the spot he bit causing me to moan in response. I tried to pull my wrist from his hold so I can grab his hair, but he still had my arms pinned to the bed.

I threw my head back so he could get more access to my neck and cleavage from the tank top I had on. He circled his tongue all around my neck and boobs then sucked on certain spots. When he finally lifted up from sucking the base of my breast, he looked down at my neck and chest while smirking.
He pushed himself up and pulled me with him. I was still a little out of it but whatever.
I really wanted a kiss.

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