Im the bait?

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Bonnie Davis

"Antonio, help with the stockings and stop messing with Lexi, please!" I said as I tried to hang ornaments on the tree. He let her go and came over to hang ornaments instead of stockings causing me to sigh.

I was so happy when Enzo told me that Antonio and Lexi are in the clear, I will tell them both, but I don't want them to be hurt. We were just being cautious, but I know Antonio will be harder to persuade.

"Hey!" Enzo greeted as he walked in, in a Santa suit while Elijah was in a elf uniform. Everyone laughed at them and I threw an ornament at them. Enzo came and kissed my cheek while wrapping his arms around my hips.

"Hey, Mrs. Claus," he said to me. I rolled my eyes and finished hanging the ornament, before turning around to get a good look at him. He was the most well-fitted Santa Claus in history, with tattoos covering his hands and neck. His jacket was open, exposing his abs and tattoos everywhere. I hummed in delight.

"Well, hello, Mr. Claus!" I said in a flirtatious way causing everyone to laugh. Yes, we are still playing the no sex game, and it has been a week, Christmas is next week and I can't wait to put on my hot Mrs. Claus outfit as Zuri and Lexi dress up as hot reindeer and an elf.

"Enzo, could you help me get the presents from upstairs?" I asked. He nodded and I dragged him to the elevator, I pushed him to the wall and kissed him, but he pulled away.

"Giving up already, amore?" he asked with a smirk.
"No, just kissing Santa is all," I said causing him to laugh. The elevator stopped and we went to the guest room and grabbed some of the presents with the help of some men.

"Wow! That's a lot of gifts!" Ty yelled. I laughed and set them under the tree. Zuri and Elijah came down with their gifts and the tree was too full. The gifts were just stacked beside the tree because some couldn't fit.

"This gift is for Anna," Antonio said as he and the guard carried a big ass box with Anna spelled out on it. I am excited, but also a little nervous because it could be something that'll get me a snake.

"Aww, I just hope it isn't a monkey or anaconda," I stated while hugging him. He laughed and shrugged.

"Maybe it is...maybe it isn't," he said.

I ran upstairs to grab the gifts for Enzo with Antonio and that's when I decided to tell him. I told him how we assumed it was him and Lexi since they were close to us and good at hacking. I told him that I didn't believe it, but I wasn't certain if it was true or not.

"So, you all thought me and Antonio we're traitors?" Lexi asked from behind me. I nodded and she shrugged.

"I thought either you or Antonio or both." she stated while grabbing the gifts for Enzo. I held my heart and she laughed.

"Really, I would never!" I said while acting as if I was acting hurt. I looked at Antonio who was thinking.

"So, let me get this guys think that I'm good at hacking?! Oh my gosh, see, Lexi, I told you I was good!" He yelled while snatching a gift and running downstairs singing.

"You still suck!" she yelled after him as she ran downstairs as well. I grabbed the other gifts and ran downstairs to see them bickering.

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