Suck, fucked, and bucked

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Bonnie Davis

"Here is the bill, please come and visit us again soon." the waiter said before leaving.

"I'm full!" I stated while laying back in the seat.

"Okay, let's go," Enzo said before grabbing my hand.

We walked downstairs and Enzo said he had to use the restroom, so I walked over to the bar.
Our date went really well, we laughed, joked, and talked about life. I feel like I got to know him a little bit more than before, though I already knew everything about it, I wanted us to do this for deeper connection.

"What would you like?" the bartender asked as he dried a glass cup out. I tapped my chin and hummed.

"Just a jungle juice, please-

"Hey, beauty." A man came up from behind me and said. I quickly glanced at him and studied him before looking back at my clasped hands.

"Umm...Hi," I said while grabbing my drink.

"I'm Lex, What's your name?" he asked me while giving me his hand.
"B-Bonnie," I replied. He pulled my hand up to his lips to kiss my hand and I smiled.

"That's a beautiful name." he said. I blushed and took my hand from his, slowly.

I guess, he's hot, not my favorite but who asked me?!

"Thank you!" I said as I smiled. The man was tall and had green eyes, dirty blond hair, and a nose piercing. He didn't have any tattoos as Enzo did, but it's whatever.

"So, did you like the date, or was the guy a complete asshole?" he asked me. I laughed and shook my head "no".

"Of course not! He is really sweet..." I stated. He shrugs his shoulders and tucked my hair behind my ear. I hesitated to stare into his beautiful green eyes. I think that's his best feature to me.

"You are really beautiful." he said again after analyzing my face. I blushed again and looked away from him.

Bitch, now you know you are far from innocent! Why are you blushing and shit?! Enzo will kill him when he sees him.

"Thank you, you don't clean up too bad yourself." I laughed. He laughed as well and we started talking about random things.

Enzo Romano

I walked out of the bathroom and my guard came up to me.

"Bonnie's talking to a man at the bar...what do you want us to do?" he asked. I walked, quickly to the bar to see Bonnie laughing as the man said something.

"Bonnie, let's go!" I demanded as I grabbed her arm.

"Dont gra-

I punched the man in the jaw before he finished his sentence, and Bonnie grabbed my arm.

"Let's just go, okay?"she said and bit her lip. I pushed past her and walked to the car.

Bonnie Davis

Enzo left out the door and I helped Lex up.

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