No, I am not your mother, remember?

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Bonnie Davis

The doorbell rang and I went to open it, but Aurora ran to it first.
"I got it!" She yelled and I waited for her to open it, she opened it and Enzo was there in shades. He wore a white shirt and a leather jacket. He wore ripped black jeans and I didn't realize I was biting my lip. I love his nose piercing.

"Hey, baby, where is mommy?" He asked as he didn't see me. I walked into view and he smirked at me. I had on a skin tight black dress showing cleavage. My red lace bra was showing, but that was the look I was going for with my red bottoms.

"Hi, what are you doing here?" I asked. He smirked. "I'm here for Aurora's play date. Why are you dressed like that?" He asked. I smirked.

"I knew you were coming, so I was going to take this as an advantage and go out. I have a date." I said and his face fell.
"You are not going on a date." He said, sternly.

"Yes, I am, Enzo. I haven't been on a date in forever. These nice men want to take me out and maybe I can find a good step father for the kids. You have that woman...or them women." I said and he glared.
"I don't have women, I have you. The mother of my children." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Fine, I don't want to go anyways." I said and he smiled with victory. I went to go get Alanna as she was crying and Enzo started talking with Aurora.

I put Alanna down and went to get the door as it rang. I opened the door and a fine man stood there with a little boy with green eyes. They smiled at me.

Mama likes.

"You must be Marco and Marcel?" I asked. Marcel shook my hand and I smirked as his eyes went to my breast for a second.
"Yes, and you are...Bonnie?" He asked as he tried to fix his English, and I nodded. "Nice to meet you." We said in unison and laughed.

"Aurora is in the living room, so you can just go on in." I said to Marco and he went into the house. "You number so let me know if in need...of anything." He struggled to say and I smiled.
"I will definitely let you know if anything comes up- oh, here comes Taylor and her daughter Eliana." I said and he looked to see a blond woman coming.

"Hi, Bonnie, this is Eliana." She introduced and I shook the little girl's hand.
"You can join the others in the house." I said and she ran in. I knew I was in for a ride when two more cars pulled up and one had twins.
"I should have had this play date at the mansion." I said and they laughed. The kids ran in.

Enzo is about to flip in three, two-

"Bonnie, there are six kids running around your house." Enzo said from behind me.

Instantly, the moms started fixing their bras.

"I'm Elizabeth." A mom introduced and Marcel took his leave.

"Damn, he was fine and had a nice ass." Taylor said and I agreed while laughing. Everyone looked back and looked at Marcel walking to his car, we bit our lips in sync until Enzo clearing his throat snapped us back.
"Oh, you look good too!" Taylor said and I laughed.

"Okay, do you have wine?" Elizabeth asked. I nodded. "Moms day, move, handsome." She said and the other moms rushed into my house.

"Okay, I definitely didn't plan this." I said and Enzo shut the door while smirking. He walked up to me until I was pressed against the wall.

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