Seeing my angel

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Enzo Romano

"Hello," I answered my phone as I was on the way to the warehouse. I have no fucking time for the traitors I have lurking around my fucking warehouse!

"Capo, Stephen wants to set up a meeting at Ricca Cibo." Elijah said over the phone. I pinched the bridge my nose and sighed.

"Oh, okay! Stephen wants to set up a meeting how nice." I thought to myself sarcastically.

Did he forget who the fucking boss is?! If so, let me fucking remind him.

"That bitch just wants more time on giving me my fucking money! Well, I'll show him more time. When I tie him up in my warehouse and start cutting pieces of his flesh and feeding it to him." I yelled into the phone, angrily.

I remembered what Lexi used to tell me "take a deep breath instead of killing them" then took the breath.

"Well, tell me, Elijah. What time does Stephen want this meeting to be?" I asked with sarcasm and annoyance.

"He said at 8- 8 pm boss." Elijah stuttered and I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, then I shall be there, but tell him to have my fucking money!" I yelled.

"Yes, si-

I hung up and threw my car door open. I made my way to my favorite part of the warehouse...torturing.

"Oh, I love that sound it's like music to my ears," I thought. I began to hear begging and screaming as I enter my warehouse. A smirk made its way to my face as I walked through the halls. I scanned my hand and eye and kept walking.

I pushed the door open in a hurry to bring pain onto my enemies. Especially to the man who's sitting in front of me. I fixed my cuff links and walked around the man as if he was my prey...and he was.

"A man who betrayed me behind my back. Tsk tsk tsk no, no that won't do at all, will it?" I asked while going to my table

  ⚠️This is the part where I warn you about the Torture and shit, so BEWARE!‼️

I picked up my cutting blade and went straight to slicing. As soon as I started cutting his pinkie he started to scream. I picked up his pinkie and sized it to mine.

"That's little, I bet I know what else is." I said more to myself than him. I laughed.

"Music to my ears," I thought with a smile and kept on cutting through the bone of his other finger.

"The quicker you tell me who you work for the faster I'll kill you. Unless you wish for a slow and painful death because if so, I will gladly make your wish come true." He shook his head and started mumbling things.
Useless things! It's as if he's trying to make me rip his tongue out.

I shook my head in annoyance and picked up the blow torch.

When the fire met the loose flesh that was surrounding pinkie it started to sizzle. That made me cringe a little, and it also caused the man to rock back and forth in his chair trying I get loose.

I cut off the torch and grabbed his face

"Tell me, Who. Do. You. Work. For?" I said in a dark voice and slowed down word for word.

"GO TO HELL!!" the man yelled causing me to laugh and grab a hammer.

"I've already been, it was quite boring though, if I might add," I said. I smirked and licked my lips and threw the hammer up to catch it.

As I was about to hammer a nail in his right leg my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID already knowing who it might be.

It was Stephen just like I expected it to be.

I answered and hung up after a brief conversation. By brief, I meant threatening him and his family if he don't bring me my damn money.

"You're lucky this time, traditore." I said before walking up to him and snapping his neck with my bare hands. I left the room and told one of the guards to dispose of him. I left out of the warehouse and hopped in my limo.

" Portami alla tenuta." I told my driver who's name is Peter.

I arrived at my estate, showered, did my routine, put on my suit, and headed out. I can't believe I will be going to Stephen's restaurant because he wants me to.

Who is he to order me the fuck around?

I got in my black Lamborghini and took off towards the restaurant.


I finally made it to the restaurant and handed my car to the valet and went in.

When I walked in a waiter walked up to me
"Hi, Mr.Romano, welcome. Come, come sit down and let me get you a drink." I shook my head "no" and fixed my cufflinks.

"No need for that I am here on account of business. Where is Mr. Marino?" I questioned in a rush.

"Oh, Sì, Sì ,Mr. Marino is at the private table in the back." The waiter said pointing towards the back.
I passed him without caring to say "thank you" and made my way towards the back.

As I walked to the back I heard a laugh that just spiked my interest and when I looked to the side I froze.

There, sitting at the bar was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I don't know what was so special about her, but she was beautiful with her smooth sun-kissed skin and a smile that made my insides curl.

At that moment she looked over and we locked eyes. Her eyes seemed to have widen at me, I, on the other hand stared into her eyes. The beautiful, chocolate, honey eyes sparkled in the light like an angel. Her hair fell just at the bottom of her breast, my eyes widened at their size. My eyes scanned lower and I focused on every curve on her body. Her breast were big and perked, she had nice curvy hips.

Ohh images entered my mind of me grabbing on her hips and-

I shook my head in remembrance of what I came here for and left without a second glance.

As I sat down Mr. Marino looked at me in shock like he didn't expect me to come.

"Mr. Marino, how good to see you. Now, let's get to it, shall we?" I said in a cheerful voice.
I took a sip of the wine the waiter brought me.

"Mr. Romano, I-I don't have your m-money. I need more time. It's hard to make 10 million in only 2 years." Stephen said while putting his hands up.

I balled my fist up till my knuckles turned white.


People got quiet and started looking my way. I glared at them and they hurried looked away. I took a deep breath.

"I make millions daily and you came to me for money. Which I gave to you all in one fucking day, now you can't give me my money in two years?"  I said in disbelief.

"I'm sorry I just need another two years." he said.  I could have laughed in his face, no wait, I did laugh in his face.

"No way I'm giving you another two years. Either you give me my money or you give me your life, you have two weeks." I said and left, but not without taking a glance back at the girl again, this time her eyes were on me. I smirked at her and made my way out of the restaurant.


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