After one fucking argument, Enzo!

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Enzo Romano-
4ooo+ words.

Sitting in my office chair and going through files on Ray, I've been stressed because he's been in the cell for two weeks.
We took him to "Hells Chamber" a few times and every time I took him I ended up not hurting him. Bonnie told me not to so I haven't, but it's killing me.

I want him to feel what Bonnie felt when she was tied defenseless to a desk. When he pinned her to the ground, trying to rip off h-

I bawled up the file that was on my desk and threw it in the fire.
Fuck that!
I'm going to torture that bitch if it is the last thing that I do . Ray needs to suffer the consequences of fucking with what belongs to me and I'm going to give it to him.

I pushed my chair back and stood up. Walking to the door I heard yelling from the living room.
When I got to the living room I saw Bonnie, Ty, Antonio, and Zuri trying to grind on the ground, I smirked when Bonnie tried to do it but flipped over too far causing her to land on her back.

"That's n-not fair!" Bonnie whined when Antonio started grinding on the floor.
"Well, maybe you would be able to do it if you weren't so sore." Ty said while sitting on the couch. Bonnie limped up with a wince causing me to laugh aloud.
All attention went to me. I cleared my throat and continued to walk into the living room.

"Oh, there goes, Cap," Zuri stated with a smirk. Bonnie shoved Zuri and limped up to me. She walked up to me and kissed my lips, before pulling me into the dinning room for privacy.

"Where have you been" Bonnie questioned as she slowly sat on the table and winced.

"I see you're still sore from our new...exercise," I said, ignoring her question. She has been sore ever since she woke up this morning. I've been massaging and fetching things for her, but she finally decided a few hours ago that she wanted to get up.

"Nice try, Hoe! Now, where have you been?" she asked again, rolling her eyes.
I sighed and rubbed my eyes.
"I've been in my office, amore," I said sitting in the chair in front of her as she sat on the table.
"Okay, and what were you doing?" she asked, signaling for me to continue.

"I am going to kill your uncle!" I stated, blankly and tried to stand up. Bonnie lifted her leg and arm to put them on my shoulder, forcing me back down in my seat. I could tell raising her leg hurt her as she clenched her jaw.

"You don't just say something like that and try to leave, Enzo! It's called consulting, heard of it? Because you suck at it." she yelled at me. I tried to move her leg and arm off of me but she kicked me back.

"Do. Not. Push. Me!" I said getting angry and throwing her leg and arm off of me.
"You're not killing him," she said while sliding off the table. Who am I kidding, the angry tone didn't work, if I dared to threaten her she'd kick my ass.

"Oh, says who? Because last time I checked, I'm the boss around here! Not you!"I whispered yelled to her while getting in her face. She pushed my chest back with anger.

"Really? It's my Uncle, Enzo!" She yelled at me.
"And it's MY warehouse, Donna!" I yelled at her.

(Translation: donna =woman)

"I can't...I- Just give him to me. I'll figure it out," she said running her hand through her hair.

"What? No! I am not going to...give him to you." I yelled at her as if she was crazy. Why would she want the man who tried to rape her? She can't be this stupid!

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