Or what?

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Bonnie Davis

"We are here, sir," the driver (which I got to know as Peter) said.

I got out of the car and said "thank you"  to Peter then looked around.
My mouth dropped at the beautiful scenery, a huge water fountain in the middle of the driveway. The driveway was made of some type of stone. The huge gate was at the end of the long driveway. I looked up at the huge house, well mansion. This is the biggest place I have ever seen, it reminds me of a castle.

"Oh my fucking gosh!! This is your house?" We all said in unison which made us all laugh.

"Yes it is, now, come on so we can figure out where you are sleeping." Lorenzo replied while walking off, leaving me and my friends behind.

I rolled my eyes at his rudeness.

"He is so rude, like at this point death doesn't even seem that bad because what the fuck? He's lucky I'm hungry or I would have just stayed in the fucking cell." Zuri said, rolling her eyes.

"No you wouldn't have! You eat 24/7. There is no fucking way that you would make it in that cell. Now, suck it up or I am going to tell boss man what you said." Ty said then started walking off.

"That bitch!!" Zuri yelled then ran after him and left me.

"If it's going to be like this the whole time, please kill me now!" I whispered, forgetting Peter was behind me which made him laugh.

"Good luck Miss. Davis, it seems you'll need it." He said then whispered the last part. He got back in the car and drove off.

I walked into the house and "wow" I've never seen anything bigger in my entire life. The estate had a grand staircase entrance, with a huge chandelier that hung from the ceiling when you first walk in through the double doors. There is no possible way to even reach the ceiling, it's so tall. I felt like a mouse.

"Hello, Miss. Davis is it? I will be taking you to your room." A woman said. I turned and seen a smaller woman in a maid outfit.

"Thank you. Umm...where are my friends?" I asked her.

"They are in my boss's office, 2nd floor to the left you'll see it, it has double doors." The maid said before leaving.

Did she forget that she needed to take me to my room or- you know what, never mind.

I walked upstairs.

On my way to the second floor, I got lost five times before I recited the direction the maid had said go. I was mesmerized by the beautiful artwork and plants that were down the hall. Everything was so clean, I seen other maids working as if they clean everyday.

"Oh...Zuri!" I heard a voice yell from down the hall.

I followed the voices until I saw the double doors, but one was open.

"What the hell are you doing?" I whispered yelled while staring at them. They stared at a picture frame laughing then turned it so I could see. It was a baby picture.

"We are looking around the office because bossman said he was going down to look for you." Zuri said then continued to look at the picture and laugh.
"Look at what I found." Ty said, getting up to show me the picture.

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