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Bonnie Davis

I took the week to rest from the pain I was in, but really after three days, the bruises had faded. I wasn't really hurt it's just the fact that I always get attacked, but it makes sense speaking that I am the closest to Enzo.
I haven't left the room, because I can't face Lexi and Antonio. Hearing Antonio's name brought tears to my eyes, I can't stand to be with him.

"Bonnie, hey!" Elijah greeted me as he walked into my room. I put my phone down and greeted him back.

"So, umm...I heard about the Antonio and Lexi mishap. You don't actually think that Antonio would betray us, do you?" Elijah asked me. He seemed as though he didn't, but I don't know what to believe.

"I don't know...I thought it was just Lexi, but when Enzo said his name it didn't make sense. Antonio is my "Elsa" so no, I don't think he would actually hurt me, but you really never know a person because you're not them." I said. He nodded in agreement and handed me the water from the stand.

"Just stay hydrated...Zuri has been sick all morning, so she won't be coming up here-

"Oh, I can take care of her," I said as I tried to get up from bed, Elijah pushed me back down and shook his head "no".

"No, you will rest, and if-

"It's funny that you think you have control over me, and yes, I will be helping you take care of Zuri. She has an anger problem...I mean unless you want to handle it alone?" I asked. He instantly shook his head "no" and I nodded.

"Then, it is decided...did she eat?" I asked as I stood up and grabbed my phone.
"She didn't want to eat, she keeps throwing up," he stated as we walked downstairs to the second floor.

"Well, she needs to eat, go get the bowl of fruit out of the refrigerator and a glass of water. She needs to stay hydrated, Oh, and grab her leftover food from last night." I demanded. He nodded and left for downstairs as I entered their room.

"Hey, Z!" I greeted as she watched tv. She waved and smiled at me, before signaling for me to come there. I climbed into bed and laid on her breast as I drew circles on her stomach.

"Are you feeling better?" I asked her. She nodded her head "yes", but I could see right through her.
"Don't lie to me, Zuri...are you tired? Do you want me to call a doctor?" I asked. I sat up and she started crying, I pulled her into me as she laid on my breast.

"These always make me feel better!" she cried as she felt my boobs. I laughed and nodded before wiping her tears.

"I told you that they would always be here for you or Ty whenever you need to cry," I said, She laughed and Elijah came in with the food. He frowned and put the food on the stand.

"What wrong?" he asked. Zuri got off of me as Elijah sat on the bed and she climbed onto him.

Damn, him over me...I see how it is.

"She's three months pregnant and is coping differently now, she needs to eat she is going to her second trimester soon. Now, you need to eat and if you don't, I will force it down!" I told her as she shook her head, repeatedly.

She is twenty years old and acts like a fucking baby, who would have thought?

"Eat!" I demanded while holding her food up to her. She rolled her eyes and took the plate as she laid on Elijah's chest.

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