I knew you were dying!

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Enzo Romano

"So, when is she going to wake up because it's been two days, people are starting to fucking worry!" I yelled at the doctor. I was frantic...fuck, I was one of the people who was worried.

"Give her time, capo she needs to heal from having a severe panic attack. She also had a minor concussion from when she jumped out of a moving car." the doctor said looking at her notes. I even seen him look a little confused at that, and I would have smirked if Bonnie wasn't in a coma or whatever the fuck!

"Awesome, a concussion? I love that bitch!" Antonio said just above a whisper.

I glared at him then looked at Bonnie in the hospital bed, and I balled my hand up into a tight fist.

"Okay, you're dismissed, doctor," I said; trying to control my anger knowing I'm the cause of this.

"I need to hurt something or someone. I'm going to the basement, come get me when she awakes. She needs to train before our next mission." I said, walking towards the elevator.


I made it to the basement, followed by Bel because he loves to get his hands dirty. I'm starting to believe he loves it more than me, ouch.

"qui capo," Bel said, opening the door for me with a huge smile plastered on his face.

(Translation: qui capo = in here boss)

Oh, the evil, I like.

"Hello gentlemen, I would like to formally introduce myself before things get a little... how do you say... torturous! Aren't you excited that you finally get to meet the infamous Enzo Romano, or how your boss says it "The Devil?" I said with a smirk on my face and putting up quotations with my hand.

"Fuck...you...Romano," the blond-haired man said causing me to look at him.

"I would love to, if I could! I am a very handsome and sexy man, don't you think?" I asked with a smirk.
"So, I'm guessing since you are the first one to speak, you could answer some questions for me, right?" I asked and turned serious.

"No, I'd rather die than follow or answer you, diavolo" the man said almost spitting on me.

(Translation: Devil)

"Then your wish shall be my command after a bit of...sawing" I said, picking up the saw from the table.

⚠️TORTURE-mature audience only⚠️‼️
Skip to the stars or whatever it's called to avoid

"AHHHH!!" the man screamed as I started sawing off his toes. Blood splattered and the grinding of the bone hitting the saw was like heaven. Each time I pushed the sharpened blade into his finger, the bone would crack. It's as so satisfying.

"Oh, fuck, I missed this!" I said to Bel as I kicked the man's toes to the side.

"Me too, it exhilarating," Bel said then started blow torching the other man's hand. The smell of burnt flesh was disgusting and hearing the sizzle of it burn was making me cringe.
I do this for a living, but sometimes I can't get used to certain things.

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