Baby Sven

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Bonnie's Pov:

I woke up with my back being in so much pain. I got up while crying in pain and sat on my bed. I grabbed my phone and called Micheal.


"M-Micheal, I need h-help." I winced out and I instantly heard shuffling in the background. I heard him running down the hall and my door rattled.

"Open the door-

"I got angry and moved the dresser in front of it and locked it. I-I can't move it." I said and rubbed my sore back. He cussed and my door started to be banged on and I hung up the phone. I struggled to get up and unlock the door and when I did the door flew open and the dresser went to the wall. Enzo and Micheal stood there in panic. I ran to Micheal and he hugged me.

"What's wrong? What hurts?" He asked me as I cried on his shoulder.

"M-my back. I fell asleep on the floor and m-my back hurts." I cried and he picked me up. I didn't even look at Enzo and I rubbed my stomach.

"I'm going to go get your medicine." Micheal said and I nodded. He rushed out and Enzo propped against my wall.

"Are you alright?" He asked as he stared at me. I looked away from him and laid down to turn my back to him. My tear rolled onto my bed and I choked on a sob. "Tigre, I'm sorry, but it's not how it seems." He said as he was closer.

"You married someone else-

"But it's not because I love her!" He yelled at me and I rolled my eyes.

"So why the fuck are you married to her? Is she pregnant? Did you-

"I'm engaged to her we aren't married and no, she isn't pregnant." He said. My door opened and Kristoff came in with my pill bottle in his mouth. He jumped in my bed and I grabbed it from him. I took my pills without water and Micheal came into my room with water. I drank it and Micheal gently rubbed and massaged my back.

"Lower." I said and Micheal massed my lower back where my arch was formed. I groaned as it hurt, but I pushed him to continue. I cried and my hair got moved from my face. I seen Enzo and he caressed my face.

"What is the gender of our child?" He asked and I looked away from him. I ignored his question and bit my lip. "Bonnie, please." He begged and I started crying.

"Capo, I'm sorry, but you are making her worse. The stress isn't good and her hyperventilating like this isn't good. You have to leave." Micheal said, respectfully. Enzo cussed in Italian and rushed out while slamming the door, I bit my lip harder.

"I'm going to run you a bath." He whispered to me and I nodded. I sat up and he went to run my water.

I stripped and Micheal helped me into the water. I smiled at the bubbles, I know he poured too much. It's seventy percent bubbles and thirty percent water.

"Yes, I did pour half the bottle, but I didn't know it would do this!" Micheal said in his defense and I laughed. The water felt nice on my skin.
"I better have more for my next bath or I'm going to beat your ass." I said and he rolled his eyes.

"As if, bitch."  He said and sat against the tub.
"Now, tell me why capo and Vincent's sister are getting married." Micheal said and my eye brows rose.

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