Please! God, no! Not my baby!

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Bonnie Davis

"Help me with my bag, please," my mother asked Antonio. Antonio grabbed her bag and took it to the car, as I stood there leaning on the wall watching. She looked my way and I looked away and went into the kitchen, my dad came and hugged me and I smiled.

"I'm going to miss you, lovely," He stated.

"I'm going to miss you as well. Call me when you are bored and when you land-

"So, you're not going to forgive your mother?" he asked. I sighed and watched as Enzo sat on the counter to listen, I eyed him, and he shrugged.

Nosy ass.

"No, no, I am not! If she wants to apologize then so be it, but I am not saying sorry first. I might not even forgive her." I said and whispered the last part.

"Oh, come on! She's your mother-

"And her words hurt- Look, I'm not fighting today or when I'm on the phone with you. I told you how it is and it may or may not get fixed." I told my dad. He sighed and pushed past me, Enzo lifted his eyebrow at me giving me the "are you serious?" look.
I gave him the "Hell yes!" look and he jumped from the counter.

"Your mom didn't know about Ray, Bonnie. She did say some hurtful stuff, but still È ancora tua madre e ti ama, sii maturo su questo. Chiedi scusa perché non sai mai quando potresti dire ti amo di nuovo perché non l'ho fatto." he stated before signing with hurt.

(Translation: She is still your mother and she loves you, be mature about this. Apologize because you never know when you might get to say I love you again because I didn't.)

"Enzo, I'm sorry-

"Wrong person," he stated before pulling away from me. I sighed and leaned on the counter, I heard footsteps enter the kitchen as I ate a slice of cake, I looked up to see my mother.


"No, I'm sorry, Bonnie! I never meant to hurt you, it just felt as though you were leaving me for good. Yes, I admit to being hard on you but it's because I love you. You were my beautiful baby girl and I never doubted you for a second, but when you left me to be with hurt. A mother who loves her child never wants to admit that their child is growing up, I-I can't stand it but- but it happened." She cried and I wiped my eyes. "I've always been there and so have you, but when you look at it my way, it's like losing another child because you are not with me. I can't protect you, but I see don't need me." she cried. She tried to walk away, but I pulled her into a hug.

"You are my mother! I will always need you, I don't know what I would do if I lost you for good. I never wanted you to feel as though I abandoned you, yes, Enzo and I aren't married, but even if we were, I will still love you and need you, no matter what!" I said as I grabbed her face. She kissed my cheek and hugged me again.

"Okay...let me go before I miss the flight," she laughed. I laughed and wiped the tears out of the corner of my eyes.

"I'll walk you to the car," I stated.


I waved as the car pulled away and Ty cried into Raven's arms, I laughed as Simy stood in the sunroof with her tongue out and middle finger up.

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