Mr & Mrs, Dickhead

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Enzo Romano
5000+ words


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I connected my lips with hers as they moved in sync, I grinded her hips up against me. She struggled a moan before grinding more against me. In one quick swift, I flipped us over and started kissing her neck.

"That tickles!" Bonnie laughed while throwing her head back. I continued to kiss her neck until it turned into me sucking it. She gasped and I licked, sucked, and marked her neck more than it already was.

I slid my hand from her neck and to the waistline of her sweats then teased her. She was biting her lip as I was looking at her with pure lust, her eyes were flooding with it as well. I finally slipped my hand inside and caressed her soft, wet bud.

She moaned as my fingers rubbed circles over it. I slipped my fingers in without warning and started moving them, in and out, she gasped again and grabbed my wrist.
She always does that so she can control the pace and movement, but I always move her hand away.

"En-zo...yes, baby!" She praised as she threw her head back. I lifted her shirt with my other hand and started kissing her stomach. Her back was arching more and more as I started to speed up. I moved her bra over and teased her nipples making her connect her eyes to me. I twitched inside my boxers from the lust coming from her. This sight alone sent shivers down my spine.

"Moan for me, baby!" I told her as her walls were starting to tighten. When they started getting tighter and her moans were echoing off the walls, I slipped my fingers out of her. Not letting her cum.

"Punishment time, baby girl." I said as I got up from bed.

"Enzo, No! I thought we were going to actually-

"You should've thought about that before flipping me off, rolling your eyes, not saying "I love you", not listening, toy-"

I listed off before she interrupted me.

"I didn't even use the toy!" She yelled out. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the handcuffs from my dresser then walked over to her. I grabbed her arms while she struggled and I handcuffed her wrist.

"I want to know what your favorite kink is, baby girl." I said when I finally got done with the restraints. She tugged her wrist and winced.
"Enzo, this hurts!" She whined out while throwing her head back. I ignored her as I'm now thinking that I'm going to have to cut off or rip off her shirt because the handcuffs are o-

"My kinks...are...scary because they scare me." tigre mumbled out of nowhere. I smirked and urged her to continue.

"Okay," she took a deep breath and continued.
"C-choking, praise kink, k-knife play, tying m-

"Wow, tigre you surprised the hell out of me!" I let out in shock. She looked at me with her beautiful brown eyes and frowned.

"I read a lot of books."she mentioned as she was thinking. She bit her lip of a memory she had which made me give her a curious look.
I know about the books she read, I used to buy them for her, or she'll take my card and buy books online. Every time I used to try to read one she'd snatch it.

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