The Set Up!

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Bonnie Davis

I woke to the sound of yelling and running. I groaned and remembered the guards came in last night as I slept. Enzo told me after I got out of the shower that we leave out around 4:00 pm.

My phone rang from beside me causing me to answer it.

"Happy birthday!" My mom and dad yelled through the phone. I pulled the phone away from my ear because of the almost busted eardrum I almost had.

"Thanks," I said while yawning.

"Bonnie, did you just wake up? It should be 2:00 pm in Italy!" my dad yells through the phone, my mother agreed before going off on me about how lazy I am.

"Yeah, yeah, I can't believe I did that.....okay, yeah I'm disappointed in me too...yes, exactly what I wanted to hear on my you, mom..." I made some noises with my mouth before saying.

"Oh, no, bad signal, gotta go, bye!" then hung up.

I was feeling a little nauseous about my birthday and this mission. My stomach took a turn before I ran to the bathroom, lifted the toilet seat, and threw up.

"Oh my gosh, that's disgusting!" I said before wiping my mouth and flushing the toilet. My head was a little hot, I'm probably coming down with a fever.

Might as well get ready, it's not like I'm celebrating my birthday this year-

And I puked again! When the fuck did I eat...corn? Oh my gosh, this is so embarrassing, like, no!

I walked over to the sink and brushed my teeth.  I scrubbed my tongue so hard, I think my taste buds came off.
I walked to the closet after throwing water onto my face and grabbed the clothes I prepared days ago.

A latex jumpsuit, I tried to put a lock on the zipper, but it was too big. I just ended up making it stuck by stuffing strings into the zipper to make it impossible for it to be taken off. The things I have to do as a woman!

I put on some thigh holsters, knee-high heels, and put my hair in a ponytail.
"Pretty badass, If I do say so myself," I said while looking myself over in the mirror.

"Bon, we are about to head out!" I heard Enzo's voice yell from inside my room. I sighed and walked out.
"I know, I'm coming!" I yelled to him before grabbing my phone and leaving out the door. I know he wanted to say something, but I shoved right past him.

He doesn't get to speak to me after clearly forgetting my birthday when I didn't even forget his.

"Anna, Happy bir-

"No! Don't say anything!" I state while covering Antonio's mouth. I whispered a "thank you" and hugged him.
"You're the only one who remembered, Elsa," I stated while wiping the stray tear.

"What I tell ya in the note? We don't care for them other hoes it's just me and you, period! It's Anna and Elsa for a reason, not Anna, Elsa, and snowflakes one, two, and three." He said while rolling his eyes causing me to laugh.

"You're right! Let's just get this over with." I stated before walking to the limo.

I sat beside Zuri and Ty while I waited on the car to start. I didn't want to go in the car with Enzo because I'm still pissed, to be honest, I'm pissed at everyone, but Antonio. "just like last time" I thought then sighed and sat back in the seat.

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