Live life, fuck, & have fun

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Bonnie Davis

Getting ready for this day has been nerve racking. I've been telling myself I got this, repeatedly, but I am so scared. I'm scared a little, but marriage is...I'm scared.
I picked out a beautiful dress and in my liking.

It was hell getting this dress on and I have been sweating. My mom and dad came and gave me something old and something new, and I have no idea what that means, but I cried. Zuri and Lexi both hit me for ruining my makeup and they had to fix it. I couldn't help it and I know I will cry when I seen Enzo.

The bridesmaids went first which was Lexi, Zuri, and Antonio. Antonio didn't want to get in a dress, so I let him wear a suit. I was mad that he wouldn't get in a dress though and he didn't care.

Well...not until Aurora came and convinced him.

Yes, Antonio got in a dress and wore slides. Heels would not fit, but I let him wear a crown because he is queen.

When it was time for him to walk out everyone laughed and I peeked to see even Enzo was laughing. The priest was shaking his head and Antonio looked amazing.

Aurora and Alanna walked out and threw flower petals making me cry. I followed slowly behind them and Enzo locked eyes with me. I was a crying mess and I didn't even make it to them yet.

"D-dad." I cried and he hugged me. He was crying and he kissed my cheek.
"I guess this is the part where I let you go, Bambi." He said and I cried. I kissed his cheek and Enzo helped me to him. He let his tears fall and I laughed.

"You look sexy, bossman." I said and he laughed. I wiped his tears and he dabbed his thumb at mine. The priest started talking, but I was so busy staring at Enzo that I wasn't even paying attention. When Aurora came with the rings while crying I broke right there. She hugged me and I hugged her back. Enzo smiled and Alanna went to him.
The priests told us to say our vows and Enzo went first.

"Bonnie,the moment I laid eyes on you I knew you were going to be the mother of my kids and my wife. I knew that th-there was no woman on earth as strong, wild, stubborn, crazy, and as loveable as you. You loved me for me and you didn't let what I did get in the way of your love for me. You took me back after many things. After hurting you, I thought that I had lost you for good, but you came back. You always came back to me. You will always be with me through thick and through thin. And I you." He said and I hugged him. I went to kiss him, but I was pulled back.

"Too soon!" Antonio whispered and everyone laughed.

"Bonnie, your turn." The priest said.

" love you." I said and cried because I couldn't get my words out. Everyone laughed and I shook my head.

"En-Enzo, y-you make me so happy and I-

"Can we get to the I do's because she's going to do this for hours and I have somewhere to be after this." Antonio said and I hit him. People laughed and Enzo grabbed me.

"Okay, do you Enzo Romano take Bonnie-

"I do." He said and I smiled.

"And do you Bonnie D-

"Fuck yes!" I said and kissed him. He smiled against me while everyone laughed and cheered. The rings weighed my hand down and I didn't mind the world in this moment as long as I am here with my family.

"There is no reception and I am not going to lie and tell you there is. I mean you can go to it, but you will not see us there!" I yelled and took Alanna to give to Antonio. Enzo laughed and I looked at my parents.
"I'm sorry." I said and pulled Enzo out of the room. He was laughing the whole time and he followed, willingly.

I am glad I got kidnapped in Italy years ago. If I didn't, I wouldn't have met the man of my dreams. I wouldn't have had my kids and I wouldn't have been the happiest woman alive.

Sometimes it's okay to break free from being the mother of the group. Have fun and live life. Be a mother when it is time and not when it isn't. "Live life, fuck, and have fun!"- me!

——————————The End—-————————

Thank you for reading "Kidnapped in Italy"!! This book was fun to write and the comments have been fun to read. I love each and every single one of you.

Oh, and check out my new supernatural book!! It's about the same warnings that's in this book. It's very good in my opinion!!!👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾

 It's very good in my opinion!!!👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾

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