Then, let me fulfill your hunger

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Bonnie Davis
4,000+ words

We made it to the estate yesterday after a little bit of arguing. Enzo and Elijah forced us to come back so they "can handle it" even if it's not what we wanted.
I put up a fight and ended up getting drugged, because I'm stubborn and don't like listening to Enzo. His words, not mine.

"Bonnie, you have to talk to me sooner or later!" Enzo said while sitting at the edge of my bed. I was unpacking my clothes and putting them in the closet as he begged.

I thought we had a brief little moment after our kiss, but he ruined that shit the moment he let them drug me.

I'm still mad at that. It was a horrible feeling, it felt like a betrayal.

"Bonnie, as your boss I am telling you to talk to me. As an order!" He demanded as he has had enough of my attitudes for these past two days.

I took a deep breath then groaned out loud.

"What!?" I yelled at him and threw down the clothes I had in my hands. I stared at him dead in his eyes begging for him to continue.

"Do. Not. Yell. At. Me. Bon!" He said in an angry, low demeanor causing me to shift a little.

"Sorry," I mumbled as I looked down. No matter how mad I am, he still intimidates me.

"Good, ...Now, tell me what is wrong? Why are you ignoring-

"I know damn well you know why I'm mad at you, cagna." I said straining my neck to look up at him.

"Watch it," He warned causing me to roll my eyes and sigh.

"What the hell did I just tell you, tigre?" He questioned as he pinned me to the wall. I tried to push him off, but he just turned me around so I was facing the wall while he stood behind me.

As the bad bitch I am I knew exactly how to get free from this. Let's just hope it doesn't backfire.
"Are you done?" He whispered in my ear as he pinned me more to the wall and wrapped his hand around my neck, forcing me to look at him.

"Yeah," I said as I bit my lip. He looked at me and licked his lips, causing me to rotate my hips over his bulge. I rotated them into a full circle before stopping while he just groaned and threw his head back.

"I've missed you, baby." I whispered as I rotated my hips a few more times, earning more groans.
He mumbled a "fuuck" before turning me back around to face him.

"One point me, zero points Enzo," I thought as a smirk made its way to my lips

"I know what you are doing, tigre. It's not going to work." He whispered in my ear. I felt a stinging sensation on my ass causing me to whimper in return. He smacked my ass again then pressed me back against the wall, facing him.

"I've missed you too, amore." He stated before running his thumb against my bottom lip. I bit his thumb in return earning a groan from him.

"I know you did, la mia tigre," I stated before fisting the hem of his shirt to lift it up. He was tall so I told him to squat a little.

(Translation: My tiger)

"Come on, I'm craving for you to give me some of your inches." I said while biting my lip and that was all it took. His eyes started overflowing with lust causing me to whimper back some, but he pulled me back to him.

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