Let me relieve your pain

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Bonnie Davis

I kissed his lips as I continued to grind more into him. He groaned against my lips and I smirked against his.

"What's wrong, baby?" I asked him, I unbuttoned my shirt, slowly. He eyed my almost exposed breast and he smirked.

"I thought you said you didn't want sex because you wanted to be able to walk, and I am not fucking you in a car...there isn't enough space." he says and I rolled my eyes.

True because this man is tall and muscular, he will break the roof off this bitch.

"Fine!" I yelled and hopped off his lap and into the driver's seat to start the car.

"You're mad?" he asked as he sat up more into his seat. I shook my head "no" and started the car up, I tucked the shirt more underneath me so I could cover myself up down there.

"Why are you doing-

"I don't have any shorts on or underwear for that matter, because someone decided to leave without informing me." I stated as I put the car in drive, but before I could drive off he put the car back into park causing us to jerk.

"What the fuck, Enzo! You can't do that!" I yelled at him while stepping off the brake, he shrugged and opened the car door so he could get out. He walked to my side and opened my door.

"I'm going to drive...get up." he demanded and I rolled my eyes.

"No, you told me to drive so I'm going to do so, hai capito, capo?" I asked while folding my arms.

(Translation: you got that, boss?)

He pulled my leg so that I was halfway off the seat before lifting me out, he threw me over his shoulder. I'm so fucking glad it's dark because I know my ass is out. He sat me on the hood of the car and pushed me back against it.

"Somebody could have seen my ass!" I yelled at him while pulling down the dress shirt , he grabbed my ankle and pulled me to the edge of the car. My shirt rose to my belly button so I was exposed, I looked over to see if anyone was outside, but I forgot this was a private garage. He fiddled with his belt until he got it unloose, but before he could reach for the button I sat up.

"No!" I demanded and jumped off the car and walked to the passenger side.
"You are so fucking confusing! You want sex one minute then the next...you don't!" he yelled and I shrugged and he got in and started driving off.

"Maybe because you are too small so it causes me to have mixed emotions about it." I said while folding my arms.

"Mmm." He sounded before speeding towards the estate.

"I only acted like I couldn't take it to make you feel bigger, but guess what? You're not, you are micro, hoe!" I yelled out again and he tightened his fist on the steering wheel, and I sat back more until a few minutes later I continued.

"I faked every orgasm I had from you, your-

"Bonnie, shut the fuck up!" He yelled as he smashed hard against the break as we made it to the estate. He sped-walked over to my side and threw the door open to pull me out.


"Shut up!" he yelled as he pulled me into the house, I struggled on my feet as the floor was cold. Antonio, Zuri, Elijah, Sasha, and Tony were all sitting in the living room talking when we came in. They stared at me as Enzo dragged me towards the stairs and I struggled.

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