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Bonnie Romano

"Oh, crap!" My hands shook as I stared at the positive pregnancy test that rested in my hand. I bit my lip, nervously and hurried to freshen up. I grabbed the other three and covered my mouth in shock that they all were positive.

Nine month ago, I married Enzo, the love of my life. We moved into the mansion with our daughters, Aurora loves having the second floor all to herself. Yes, guards are everywhere, but the floor is hers. She always plays with Eliana, I allow her over a lot and she even has her own room here. She's eleven and acts like my daughter and I treat her as such.
My life has changed for the better these past few years with Enzo...but now we are about to welcome a new baby into this world.

"Honey!" I called as I hid the test behind my back and came into our room. Enzo came in with Alanna running behind him in her blue sundress. She laughed and Aurora came in in tights and a blue cropped top. I smiled because she has grown so much.

"Mom, Eliana wants to have a party tomorrow, can I go?" Aurora asked.

"We...we will talk about that later-

"But, mom-

"Not now, Aurora Romano!" I snapped and she huffed. Enzo came to me.

"You called?" He asked. I nodded.

"I have a surprise...for all of you." I said and Aurora jumped up. She rushed over.

"What?!" She bounced and squealed like a child.

"Surprise." I held up one of the test and Enzo's eyes widened. He took the test and studied it.
"I'm pregnant." I said and Aurora screamed making me jump, she ran and hugged me. I laughed and kissed her face.

"Y-you're having a baby?!" Enzo asked. I nodded with tears and he grabbed me. He screamed with Aurora making Alanna scream and he kissed me all over the face. I laughed and kissed his lips. "We have to get you checked! Like today, right now!" He said and my eyes widened.

"I don't think-

"I'll have your doctor come, it's fine." He said and I nodded. He kissed me and Aurora squeezed into our hug.
"I love you so fucking much." He said and I smiled and cupped his face.
"I love you more." I whispered and kissed him while wrapping my arms around his neck. He squeezed my butt and I smiled.

"Dad, that's disgusting." Aurora said and he glared at her. She held her hands up in defense before backing up. I laughed and kissed him again.

Another Romano.


"Please, do not make me tell you to clean again." I told Aurora. My eleven year old daughter started cleaning with an attitude and I sat on the couch while Enzo swept the floors.
Being pregnant has made my life difficult, so I let them do the hard work. When they piss me off I send off the maids and they clean the house.

Today, they decided to have a paint ball fight in the house.

"Dylan, sit!" I demanded and he hurried to sit down. Dylan, Ty and Raven's adopted son is three years old. He's a very good boy, but bad at the same time.

"How are you feeling?" I asked Lexi as she sat down with a deep breath. Her stomach is so huge with twins that it's about to pop.

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