Our breakup date

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Enzo Romano

It's been a few weeks since that whole incident and Bonnie isn't here with me. She decided to stay in her old room even if the snake ghost was to get her. She was confused about everything, which is understandable.
Everything I do is to protect her, but in the end, I'm always the one to say sorry.


"What!" I yelled. Sasha walked into my office and sat across my desk from me.

"You can come out of your office now, Bonnie is back upstairs." she said. I ignored her request and continued to fill out more paperwork.

"Enzo!" she yelled. I dropped my pen and stood up, abruptly, but so did she.

"You can't keep staying in this office, ignoring people... it's unhealthy-

"Bonnie not being with me is unhealthy! She is all I have and she isn't here, so I don't want to come out of the fucking office, Sasha!" I yelled at her. I walked to my sidebar to pour myself some Whiskey as I heard her sigh from behind me.

"Fine!" she yelled. She walked out of my office while slamming the door and I downed my drink. I understand that she is trying to help, but I don't want her help, I want Bonnie... that's it!

I heard yelling from upstairs before I heard running. My door was thrown open and Antonio stood there with a nervous smile.

"H-Hey, Enzo-

"Get out!" I yelled at him before throwing my glass at him. He ran out of the room and I walked back to my chair. Fucking pathetic.

Antonio Romano

Yeah, this is what I get for getting in between Bonnie and Enzo's relationship problems. They are so fucking annoying when they are mad, like, I just tried to throw a bucket of ice on Bonnie, but she screamed and beat me with a shoe. Then, Enzo is just always annoying!

I was just telling the truth, you can't get mad at me because you know I'm right, bitch! I need to fuck someone asap because I am too stressed.

"That maid...Bridget is downstairs, isn't she?" I asked myself before shrugging and going into Lexi's room to mess with her. I snuck in her room while she was on her computer, hacking into something for Enzo. I grabbed scissors from the desk with a smirk.

"Antonio, leave me alone!" Lexi yelled as I acted as if I cut her hair. I huffed and threw the scissors down.

"Non sei divertente, culo! oh, posso aiutare-

(Translation: You're no fun, butt! oh, can I help-)

"No! Ora, fuori dal cazzo!" she yelled. I rolled my eyes and left the room.

(Translation: No! Now, get the fuck out!)

Why do they always have to be mean to me? I know I'm annoying, but at least I can make them laugh. Bitch, they would be nothing without me.

"Bridget, do you feel like coming to my room-

"Nope, I have work to do, Mr. Romano and before you call me out of my name or play one of your horrible pranks, just know that I am good friend's with Ms. Davis who happens to be the only one who can control Capo." she stated. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the muffin out of her hand before going into the living room.

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