A bad bitch's party!

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Bonnie Davis

I only had three hours of sleep since I had to wake up at seven in the morning to decorate.

"No, the chocolate fountain goes to the right of the strawberries or it'll splash onto the cakes!" I yelled at the guards who volunteered to help....well, okay maybe I forced them, but this is for Ty!

"Yes, ma'am!" They said before moving it.

"Tony, what the hell are you guys doing in here- Bonnie." Enzo greeted and I nodded.

"They are helping me, voluntarily." I stated and half of the men coughed.


"she forced us!"

"Please, save us!"

I gave them all a glare and they looked away and kept working.

"Well, we have a meeting so-

"So, nothing! You said no club so I'm making this perfect for Ty, you will have them back when I am done with them!" I yelled at him and everybody froze. Not a single movement was given and a few men looked at Enzo to see what he was about to do.


"You are not getting them!" I yelled again. I know we are acting as if they are objects, but this is very important to me.

"Bonnie, let me remind you who pays, feed, and take care of all these men. Now, I said we have an important meeting that we are now-

"No!" I yelled then looked at them all and they looked down.
"Get to work!" I yelled at them and they all scattered. I felt someone grab my wrist and I looked up at him.


"Please! I really need this for Ty...I'll forgive you for last night." I stated and begged. He sighed while running his hands over his face.

"Why can't you use the maid-

"Because they are busy cooking and cleaning! I have been limping all over this house trying to throw a party while in pain!" I whispered yelled to him. He smirked and looked down to see how I was standing at a weird angle.

"I guess I did go a little too hard-

"Shut up!" I yelled while hitting him with my notepad. He laughed and held his arms up in surrender.

"Tony, you all have thirty minutes!" Enzo yelled at them. They all looked at us in shock, well really me because I know if anyone else talked to Enzo like that they would have been in that warehouse by now.

"Whipped!" Tony whistled and Enzo froze. Tony's face held regret as he held his hands up in surrender while Enzo strides towards him.

Enzo grabbed Tony by the back of his neck and dragged him out of the ballroom.

"Okay, back to work and I'll go see if I can get Tony back!" I yelled at them and they all said "yes, ma'am" then continued to work.

I went to the second floor towards Enzo's office and heard him yelling. I knocked but I'm sure he couldn't hear me from the yelling. I opened the door and saw a bruised-up Tony laying on the floor. Enzo's eyes found mine and I limped up to him with an angry expression.

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