The betrayal

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Bonnie Davis

I felt Enzo get up from bed and I woke up. I tried to reach for him, but he wasn't there meaning that it wasn't a dream so a sat up in bed.
I got up from the bed with a yawn and walked into the bathroom, Enzo stood in the mirror brushing his teeth until he saw me and smiled.

"Good morning, Did I wake you?" he asked as I wrapped my arms around his waist and nuzzled my head into his back.
I nodded "yes" and he made a sound before turning around and picking me up. He carried me back into the room and sat on the bed with me still snuggled in his chest.

"Go back to sleep, it's only four in the morning," he stated. I shook my head "no" and he frowned.
"If you're not going to sleep then I won't," I said then yawned. He laid me down on the bed and kissed my forehead.

"I'll be down-

"Please, stay with me until I sleep," I begged while sitting up. He nodded and told me to scoot over making me do so .
I climbed on top of him and laid there as he laughed.

"We're laying on a bed and you're using me as one, really?" he asked while laughing.
"Yeah, because you're more comfortable and warm when cold," I said.

He laughed and I got goosebumps as a chill hit my bare skin, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled the covers up.

"Vai a dormire, amore," he said. I nodded and drifted off to sleep.


"Just open the gift already, geez!" I yelled as Elijah was skeptical about opening the gift Zuri got him. He had to open his first before Antonio and Raven could open theirs.

"Its... a baby onesie and... Oh mio! Sei incinta? Diventerò padre?!" Elijah yelled in realization. He jumped up and picked up Zuri and swung her around, he put her down and kissed her stomach.

(Translation: Oh my! You're pregnant? Am I going to become a father?)

"Ti amo già, mio ​​piccolo chiaro di luna," he whispered to her stomach. Zuri laughed and he kissed her causing us all to awe.

(Translation: I love you already, my little moonlight)

"I hope Enzo is just as supportive when I tell him that I'm pregnant," I said and fake cried.

"But you're not pregnant," Ty said then threw the tissue box at me. I threw it back and flipped him off.
"See, that's why she has been being mean, Elijah... it's because she has a baby in there that acts like you," I whispered and he flipped me off.

"Fuck you too, hoe-

"Bonnie! You can't be cussing, when my baby gets here-

"Uhh, it's just the same gift as Elijah's! headphones!" Antonio yelled and threw the box. He ran over to Zuri and bent down to talk to the baby.

"Ti renderò il bambino più malvagio della storia, ti amo mio piccolo Olaf." he said causing me to laugh.

(Translation: I'm going to make you the most evilest child in history, my little Olaf)

"The baby will not be evil-

"But it is our Olaf, right Anna?" Antonio asked me.

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