Loving a monster

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Bonnie Davis

I woke up to complete silence. I reached beside me to feel for Enzo, but he wasn't there. I sat up in my bed and reached for my phone after assuming he was probably in his office.

"It's 2 in the afternoon, why didn't he wake me up?" I asked myself as I got up from bed. I slipped on my shoes and walked out into the hallway, I went downstairs and bumped into Bridget.

"Where is everyone?" I asked her as she grabbed me a cup of water.
"They all left out this morning...on a mission, I think." She stated causing me to spit out my water.

"They went where?!"I yelled. She backed up some and looked down.

"They went on a mission...for your team-

"For my team?!Are you fucking kidding me, right now?!" I yelled at her before running upstairs. I called Enzo, but it went straight to voicemail.

"Enzo, I swear to fucking shit if you went on that mission without me, I will kill you! I hope you hear this bitch...I will fucking kill you! That was my only time to leave the house-

"Beep beep!" The phone sounded and I threw the phone onto the bed.

Enzo Romano

"Antonio, go first and check to see if Jane is here!" I whispered and signaled for him to continue. My phone buzzed and I held my hand up to tell everyone to stop. They came towards me and I sighed after looking at "Mi amore" written on top. I opened the voicemail and it sounded.

"Enzo, I swear to fucking shit if you went on that mission without me, I will kill you! I hope you hear this bitch...I will fucking kill you! That was my only time to leave the house-

The voicemail ended and Antonio laughed while coming up to me.

"You're dead, Enz!" He whispered while laughing.

"Merda!" I whispered. Everyone held their mouths in shock and I signaled for them to continue.

(Translation: Merda=Shit!)

Bonnie Davis

I put on "Twilight" as I sat with my gun on my lap. Bridget brought me some chocolate and I thanked her before picking up my gun as I heard the doors open and close.


"Where is he?" I asked Antonio as he held his hands up.

"He wanted me to come and cool you dow-

I shot the roof and he ducked before running out.

"Enzo, she is not calm!! I repeat, she is not fucking calm!!" He yelled from down the hall. I put the gun on my thigh before walking down the stairs. Enzo was pacing as Zuri and Sasha tried to cool him down.

"Oh, the whole squad is down here- Enzo, why are you bleeding?" I asked as I walked towards him. His stomach was bleeding and I ran towards him to see. He gave a guilty look before letting me see the cut, I shrugged and punched him in the cut causing him to groan.

"What the hell, Bon-

"Why the fuck did you go without me?!" I yelled at him. Elijah pulled me back, but I pushed him causing Zuri to step in.

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