Mr. Bossman

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Bonnie Davis

I woke up to the sound knocking on the door. When I went to open it, Laura was there smiling at me.

"Good morning, Bellezza. Boss told me to bring you some clothes, so you and your friends can go shopping." She said, kindly.

"Oh, thank you, and good morning as well. I will be down in a little." I said before grabbing the clothes and closing the door.

I got in the shower and did my morning routine. I put on the outfit, I love it because it's comfortable.
It's a simple jogger set with air-forces.

I went downstairs when I finished. I wanted to use the elevator, but I think it's only for Enzo.

When I got downstairs everyone was already eating. Like "damn how long was I asleep"

"Finally, your lazy ass got up. I was starting to think you died." Ty said, hugging me.
"Are you serious? It's only like 9 am chill out." I said while rolling my eyes.

"No, bitch it's 3:00 in the afternoon. We're eating lunch, you've been sleeping for hours. As he said, we thought you were dead." Zuri said and hugged me as well.

I rolled my eyes

"I was just really tired and stressed. I've had a lot on my mind especially when my old memories decided to hunt." I said sighing and rubbing my head.

"Old memories...oh-" Zuri was saying before she ran up to hug me.

"I know what you mean Bonnie bear and I'm sorry." Zuri whispered in my ear.

"Thank you, I just need to get through this day without any emotional worries or frustrations." I said.

"So, what's for breakfast?" I asked while smiling.

"Do you mean lunch because we are just going to get food at the food court in the mall?
Right now you can eat a sandwich because I am ready to go." Ty said getting up to leave.

"Okay" I went to the kitchen to ask Laura if she could make me a sandwich. When she said yes I left out towards the living room where Lexi, Raven, Antonio, and Elijah are.

"What are you guys up to?" I asked as I walked up to them. They smiled at me, well except for Antonio because rolled his eyes.
"Nothing we were just waiting on your tired ass to wake up," Antonio said, rolling his eyes once again.

"If you all wanted to go, you could have woken me up." I said flipping him off.

"Trust me, I tried, but Enzo almost shot me for commenting on your lazy ass," Antonio said folding his arm like a child

"Enzo is so dramatic, He is always messing with me when I try to sleep." Lexi said also folding her arms.

"Messing with her? What the fuck?!"

"Here you go, Bellezza," Laura said handing me my sandwich, packed up.
"Thank you, and would you like something back from the store?" I asked while smiling at her.

"No thank you, the boss has already gotten me so much already, but you enjoy, okay?"  She said, I nodded before taking the sandwich

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