Girls and Ty night!

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Bonnie Davis

I walked into Enzo's meeting room because he called me and told me to come. Three days ago, I found that drive and he has been working on it non-stop for the last three days, he hasn't slept or showered and I have been stressed while trying to heal.

"What, Enzo?" I asked. A group of men sat at the table, along with Elijah and the rest of them. Yup, still getting left out I see.

"In the meeting room or in any situation of work you call me "Capo" understood?" he asked. I stood at the doorway and nodded.

"Yes, sir!" I said. He signaled for me to come in and I went to stand by Antonio. Antonio punched me in the leg and I hit him in the back of the head.

"Over here, Mrs. Romano!" Enzo yelled. I looked around the room to see if I could find a "Mrs. Romano" somewhere, but I couldn't.

"Bonnie," Enzo warned. I rolled my eyes and walked over to him and he reeked of alcohol.
"Are you drunk?" I asked him. He shook his head "no", but when I looked at everyone they nodded "yes".

"En-Capo, we can do this later. Let's go shower and get some sleep-

"No! The fucking West Vipers are after us and I have the means to stop them...with this!" Enzo yelled as he pulled out the flash drive.
"Bonnie found information on them three days ago and now we can attack them. We know all of their allies and I've set a meeting with them to gain their alliance with us, they are all scared of me, so either they align with me or I start killing their kids!" Enzo yelled. I looked at him as if he was crazy before Rodger stood up.

"We don't kill kids, capo!" he said. Enzo stood up, abruptly and yelled.

"You kill who I tell you to kill unless you want to end up in that fucking warehouse...again!" he yelled as he remembered Rodger just got out a few weeks ago.

"I'll rather go back than kill kids...they're innocent!" Rodger yelled. Others agreed and I nodded as well.

"Then, I'll find someone who-

"We will take their kids and tell them that we kidnapped them. If they still don't align then we will give them to others in the mafia's who really want kids and tell them that we did kill the kids. All of their children are about four and under and some are grandkids, so they won't know about the mafia. If they have no kids, we will kill their families meaning mothers, aunts, cousins, brothers, sisters, you name it. We will kill the ones they love the most last, so they will know that we are coming and they probably will surround themselves with a lot of protection, but we will take or kill them all then kill the one they love the most." I stated. While I was talking Enzo smirked and sat down then pulled me onto his lap.

"They will probably want to start a war with us, but the other allies we got will not allow that to happen because we are powerful. They need us so they will do anything we ask without hesitation, they know our threats never fail to become reality. We bring fear onto our enemies and allies so they know who they should respect and who they Will respect. So, Rodger, will you disrespect my man's wishes in killing the family members instead of the kids, because if so...I would love to torture another for disrespect." I said as I sipped on Enzo's Bourbon .

"No, ma'am, if it's the capo's wishes then it should be done," he said as he sat in his seat. Enzo grabbed my glass and drank some before handing it back to me.

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