Sexy Santa

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Bonnie Davis

"Do you want to sleep with mommy...oh yes you do!" I said in a baby voice as I scratched Kristoff's tummy. Enzo yawned and shook his head "no" repeatedly.

"He sleeps on the floor and tomorrow we will get him a bed-

"No, the floor is too hard! How about you sleep on the floor and tomorrow we get a doggy bed for him?" I asked. He looked at me like I was crazy.

"Bonnie, the dog sleeps on the floor, now good night." he said. He laid down and cut off the lamp. I rolled out of bed to sit on the floor and to play with Kristoff, but Enzo turned the light back on and sat up to look down at me.

"What are you doing?" he mumbled as he was tired.

"Playing with Kristoff, he gets lonely-

"It is time for you both to go to bed, Christmas is tomorrow, and all the stuff will come in that I ordered." He said. I picked up Kristoff so he could get into bed with me, but Enzo glared at me.

"Please, for one night!"


"Fine!" I yelled before putting him down and getting into bed. Enzo turned off the lamp and closed his eyes

Fifteen minutes later, Enzo was snoring and Kristoff was whining, so I pick him up and placed him on the bed. I turned my back to Enzo so Kristoff wouldn't wake him, Kristoff cuddled into me, and I laughed.

"Good boy!" I whispered and kissed his little head. I closed my eyes and rubbed Kristoff's head so he could sleep.

"Bonnie, did you really think that you could sneak the dog into the bed?" Enzo asked me after a few minutes. I continued to act asleep, but he tickled me causing me and Kristoff to jump up.

"You can't do that!" I whispered yelled. Enzo smirked as he turned the light back on.

"If I let him sleep with us, will you sleep?" Enzo asked. I nodded "yes" repeatedly before he breathed out a "fine!" and cut off the lights.

❄️🎄Ho ho ho 🎁🎄☃️

"Get up, amore! It's Christmas!" Enzo said as he kissed me, repeatedly. I laughed and hugged him.

"Merry Christmas, baby!" I mumbled while stretching.
"Merry Christmas, look!" he said. I looked on the floor to see a lot of dog stuff and Kristoff was sleeping in his bed.

"Aww!" I sounded as I went to pick him up. I kissed him all over his face and cuddled him like a baby.
"Who's my favorite guy in the whole wide world you are! I love you so so much!" I said in a baby voice as I kissed him.

"Who's mommy baby? You are! Yes, you are-

"Why don't I get that much affection?" Enzo asked as he stood behind me with his arms folded.
"I love you too, but Kristoff is my baby," I stated as I walked into the bathroom with Kristoff in my arms. Enzo huffed from behind me and I laughed.

"You can't seriously be jealous over my puppy!" I laughed.

"I'm not jealous over it," he mumbled.

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