No, please! Please, stop!

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Antonio Romano

I cried into Lexi's arms until a nurse ran into the room.
"Her heart started again, she not dead!" the nurse yelled. My breath found me and I collapsed onto the floor while crying.

"I want to see her," Enzo demanded. The nurse nodded and told him he was the only one allowed back causing everyone else to cry.

Bonnie Davis

"Bonnie!" Enzo yelled as he ran over to me. I smiled at him while barely opening my eyes, he looked as if he had been crying causing me to smile.

What the hell is happening to me?!

"I thought I lost you, baby! I'm so so sorry, amore! Mi dispiace tanto! Questa è colpa mia, avrei dovuto saperlo!" he said while kissing me.

(Translation: I'm so sorry! This is my fault, I should've known!)

"Hey, it's not your fault, I'm here aren't I?........aren't I?" I asked him. But the last aren't I was for me.

I felt weird because this doesn't seem real. He nodded before looking down at my stomach, he rubbed my stomach and laughed.

"What?" I asked as I pushed his hand away.

"You're pregnant." he whispered against my head. I laughed, but he was serious, I grabbed my stomach and cried.

"I'm pregnant? Oh my!" I cried as I rubbed my stomach. My mother came into the room while covering her mouth and running over to me.

"Oh, my beautiful baby! I'm so glad you are okay!" she cried. I cried with her and my dad smiled at me and fist-bumped me.
"I knew you were going to make it, no doubt in my mind," he stated causing me to laugh. I felt a pain in my stomach and I sat up and winced.

"Are you okay? Nurse!" Enzo yelled. I rubbed my stomach and prayed that my baby was okay.

"I'm here!" the nurse said. She checked the machine before telling my parents and Enzo to leave, Enzo wouldn't leave so she just gave up. She put gel on my stomach and moved the ultrasound thing on my stomach, I smiled as I saw the black and gray screen.

"See, that's the baby, it's small and hard to see put that's it in the uterus, you see?" she asked. I laughed and nodded "yes". Enzo squeezed my hand and kissed my forehead.

Wow, my baby...our baby.

"Everything looks fine, we will keep you here for a day or two just so you can heal. We have your prescriptions and everything you need will be ready later, do you want me to send your family in twos or threes?" she asked.

"Just let them all come in because I can get rid of them all the same way they came," I state causing Enzo to laugh. The nurse nodded and shut the door.

"You were scared? You thought I died, so you cried? Why?" I asked him. I caressed his face and smiled.

"Because you are the love of my life and if anything bad were to happen to you that caused me to lose you, I would die. I don't want to be here without you, I won't!" he stated. I grabbed his face and laughed.

"Good, because if I die and you say that- "Bonnie would want me to get married and move on," I will haunt you and that bitch until you die." I stated.

Kidnapped in ItalyWhere stories live. Discover now