Chapter 88 ~Yes, I will~

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It had been a while since the battle of Hogwarts took place and even tho Sev has had huge abandonment issues our relationship only grew stronger over time as he had realized, that he wouldn't get rid of me again.
It was our second anniversary this year... Yeah, the deathday countless people was our anniversary... As the year before there was a huge celebration in honour of all those who had fought and fallen amongst our side.
The great hall was decorated beautifully and a huge ball was taking place. Harry and his soon to be husband Draco had held a speech, so did Minerva, the minister of Magic and Dumbledore's portrait.
Severus however couldn't be convinced to lose a single word to the crowd.
Narcissa, or as we called her Cissy, who we grew very close with after her husband's trial, was at Draco's side.
His father, who had been in custody since the battle, was a changed man. His wife, now visited regularly after she "hated him for quite a while and and from what I knew now that he admitted his mistakes he had regular therapy sessions to work through all the things that happened.
They were quite the complicated family but I grew to love them, especially Cissy, who I later realized had been one of Sev's only friends through the years as h and Lucius grew appart due to the professor's work as a double agent and Lucius believes.

"It's so loud in here... " I mumbled into Sev's direction.
Severus nodded agreeingly, "Truly, let's get you out of here, darling."
With a smooth motion placed his palm on the small of my back and guided me out of the great hall into the night.
"It's so beautiful out here..." I sighed as we walked towards the black lake.
"It sure is, " Sev grumbled agreeingly.
I looked up into his eyes, which reflected the night sky.
"I love you, you know? "
"I know... " he gazed back his deep voice like velvet flowing through the cool night air, sending shivers down my spine.
We continued walking until we reached the lake.
"I love you too, (Y/n). More than I ever loved anyone else... more then I will ever love anyone else, " he mumbled his eyes fixed on the deep black water.
With that he slowly turned around to face me the moon illuminating his features.
"I should have died two years ago... you had so many reasons to leave me, yet here we are," he continued cupping my cheeks.
"I will never leave you, " I whispered back as if I was afraid to disturb the quiet of the night.
His eyes sparkled slightly nervously but full of determination as he kneeled down to the ground his hands pulling a little box out of his pocket.
"(Y/n) (y/m/n) (y/l/n), will you do me the honour of spending the rest of our lives together? " he asked his voice slightly shaky, preparing to be turned down.
"Will you marry me?"
Tears shot in my eyes as my shaky hands seemingly by themselves laued on his.
"Yes, yes I will!" I choked out overwhelmed by the amount of pure joy and love I felt.
"You do?" he got up pulling me into a tight hug.
"Yes!! A thousand times yes!"

A/N: Hello there. Are there other scenes you would like to read, a wedding maybe? Feel free to leave a suggestion in the comments.
Cheers 🖤

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2023 ⏰

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