Chapter 80 ~anyone else~

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!!!Warning: some adult content ahead 🍋!!!
(If you don't get that warning you are either waaay too young to read this or above the age of 80)

"Argh, it did, " I mumbled.
He smirked and went back to his former activity.
"You really look ravishing in those button-ups of mine... " a little bite followed his comment and made me moan quietly.
He began to spread his kisses on my bra line and trailed down to my tummy.

Severus pov.
As I went down her body she threw her head back slightly and I could feel little shivers take over her body. She seemed to be quite affected by my actions and it made me smirk. This was way different than anything else I had experienced. She seemed so fragile at this moment, so breakable...
A tiny moan that had escaped her lips brought me back to reality. How was she allowing me to do this?
I let my hands glide up and down her thighs and could practically feel the goosebumps form on her skin.
"S...Severus, " she whispered clearly insure or maybe uncomfortable? Had I ruined it didn't she want any of this?
I lifted my head looking up at her.
"Yes? " I asked keeping my doubts out of my voice.
"Nothing... " she turned her head to her side.
I lifted myself up to be on her eye level.
"Should I stop?"
She turned her head to look at me.
"No... I'm just a bit nervous that is all, " she said peeking my lips.

Thirdperson pov.
(Aka authors pov. aka I am stalking you. Heck that's creepy...)

There was visible confusion on the potions masters face.
"Nervous?... Don't tell me... That is impossible, " he mumbled coming to a realization.
"I'm sorry... "
"Why would you be sorry? But are you sure about this? It could be anyone else! You could have anyone you want... Someone better, younger... "
She shut him up with a kiss.
"There is no one better and yes I am
sure, " she breathed.
He gave her one last questioning look, which she answered with a reassuring one.
Only to sit up a bit so she could get rid of his shirt. He placed some rewarding kisses on her shoulders starting to open up her bra always watching her reaction carefully.
As the bra hit the ground he made a hissing sound.
"You are so beautiful... " the professor mumbled.
"No, I'm not, " (Y/n) gave back blushing furiously.
"You are the most beautiful woman I have ever known, darling "
"Says the most handsome guy on this planet, " she gave back as he got rid of his own top. He cracked a little smile as a response.

A/N: Since some of you asked for it here you go. This story was never kid-friendly anyways...
See ya soon 🙃😁

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