Chapter 72 ~charges~

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I walked into the courtroom. Severus was sitting in the middle of the room. Four wizards surrounding him pointing their wands at him.
"The defendant (Y/n) (Y/l/n) has arrived, " Kingsley announced.
"Minister, " I nodded. Stepping up next to Severus.
"I'm sure you have seen all the evidence and realized that this trial is unnecessary?" I asked coldly an eyebrow raised.
"Is it? How do we know that Severus Snape is indeed not guilty?"
"Well if you consider all of the evidence then you should know already. I have also brought some students and teachers who can clear my point, " I explained.
"However we can make this short, " I told Kingsley staring him down.
"He has killed a man. No matter if it was planned or not!"
"Well, I killed several people. Even the little son of Mr. Higgins, " I heard gasps coming from the jury.
"Nevertheless I stand here. Without handcuffs, without any guards. Only because it was Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, doesn't make it more of a crime, " I knew exactly how much I risked by admitting this. I could be locked away... forever but this war about Severus so I was more than willing to take the risk.
"You do realize that I could have you arrested for admitted murder?"
"Could you? Well, maybe you should also arrest yourself then, " I played with fire. He maybe hadn't used the killing curse but there had definitely been some dead eaters dying because of him.
"Why didn't you arrest Molly Weasley? Or maybe Harry Potter?" Gasping... Again then the room went silent.
"You can't compare the deaths of a death eater and Voldemort himself, with this!" Kingsley was mad.
"As you can see... I can, " I said coldly replied.
"I think Professor Dumbledore has to say something about this.." I said
At this moment Minerva came in carrying Dumbledores portrait.
"I have indeed, " The portrait announced.
"I had been placed into the headmaster's office, containing all the knowledge of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, to give Severus Tobias Snape further instructions. He was indeed ordered to kill "me".
He had no choice." The portrait ended.
"It is your choice, will you believe the obvious evidence or fall for a lie out at hatred?" I added.
"Well, the decision should be made. Those in favor of conviction." Kingsley said. If this wouldn't work out I would get him out of here and burn this fucking place down. I could feel my Hands slightly shivering and sparking. Controls it (y/n)!!! About one-third of the sitting men and women raised their hands. Idiots.
"Those in favor of clearing the accused of all charges." Each and everyone who hadn't raised their hand before did now.
"Cleared of all charges!" Kingsley announced hammering on his desk.
My body went numb for a second. We did it!

A/N: And on and on we go. (Jup another song text...) What do you think? Please tell me everything in the comments and also feel free to vote. 😁🖤

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