Chapter 20 ~(y/n)~ (christmas special)

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!!!Warning: Content may be disturbing to some readers.!!!

"Miss (y/l/n)..." Professor Dumbledore called after me while me and my potions professor left the room. I turned my head and looked at him questiongly.
"be careful, very careful. We can only guess what is coming at you."
I nodded. "Yes, headmaster," I responded. I had put on my completely emotionless mask.
"We have to go," Snape round beside me.
I turned to him and we headed out of the castle and to the great gate.
"No matter what happens, you need to keep up the act," my professor told me before we apparated.
We appeared in the dark of the forest in front of Riddle manor.
My professor nodded at me and I slightly nodded back.
We walked up to the front gate of the manor.
"Snape. " I heard the rustling voice of Fenrir Greyback.
"I see you brought some fresh meat," he growled.
"Open the gate, Greyback," my potions master hissed back and the werewolf stepped aside, opening the gate for us. Professor Snape confidentiality walked inside in his fast stern manner. I walked right next to him with a cold expression.

We headed to the entrance of the manor. The door swung open in front of my professor and we walked into a huge hallway which had a massive wooden door at it's end.
The door was wide open and revealed a dining room, which shone in a blueish, dimm light.
I walked into the room, subconsciously walking a bit closer to my professor. Weird... But he was the only one I knew and trusted right now.
"Ah, Severus!" I heard Voldemorts voice hissing through the room. He was sitting on a little rise in a throne like chair. A huge table was standing underneath him which was filled with death eaters.
The first time I looked eyes with him my blood froze, but I kept my mask on pretending to be completely fine with the situation.
"I see you have brought the girl you have told me about. Step forward," he directly spoke to me.
I did. Leaving my professor's side I walked around the table towards Voldemort.
"isn't she the little mudblood brat that somehow endet up in our house?" I heard Bellatrix Lestrange hysterically ask behind me.
"Is this how we treet family Bella? I believe she is your niece," Voldemort calmly said, while looking me up and down.
"My niece, my lord this is an insult..."
"Keep quiet Bellatrix!" Voldemort interrupted her harshly. I could hear her gasp behind me.
"My lord," I said in a calm and collected voice, kneeling down in front of him tilting my head down slightly.
"I see you thought her well, Severus," he said almost amused.
"Look at me child," he ordered. I obeyed.
"Tell me why do you want to serve me?"
"Some time ago I've realized that your believes and yours only hold truth about this world and it's inhabitants.
When I found out I wasn't a mudblood. I immediately tryed to figure out a way to contact you, to ask if even though I'm not completely pure there would be any way for me to serve you and take my place in this world, " I replied. I freaked out on the inside but on the outside I was calm and obedient.
"Severus told me you got into contact with him because you heard Draco talk about him being a death eater and spreading stories?"
"Indeed, my lord. He often does in order to impress Miss Parkinson for example. I figured that it would atleast be worth a try. After I showed Professor Snape my true self and family background, he used legilemency on me and told me I would be introduced to you, my lord. He said you would be the only one allowed to judge if there was any worth in me."
Voldemort looked at Snape pleasently.
"Narcissa," he said looking at Draco's mother somewhere behind me.
"Severus is of great importance for our cause. If I ever here about your son talking about his true identity outside of this cyrcle again, somebody else will fulfil his task and he will wish he could join his father in Askaban," he told her in a threatening voice.
"I want to know the whole story... Let's see," Voldemort said turning his head back to me.
I looked him dead in the eyes as I felt his presence inside my head. It was a stinging pain, very different from the feeling professor Snape triggered in my head.
I showed him everything I could possibly show him, while giving him the feeling he found it himself. My birth certificate, my mother going crazy, me dragging a blade across my arm mumbling "filthy blood", me talking to my professor about Voldemort, Malfoy bragging about being close to the dark lord, talking about Snape's position and of course the potions accident in the basement.
The stinging pain endet. He left my head.
"Show me your arm," Voldemort demanded. I pulled my right sleeve up slightly.
"The left one." I revealed my, in thin scars covered, left arm. He grabbed it looking at them.
"Very well." Voldemort hissed.
"Since Draco is in the same house as you are, I asked him, which would be the best way to test your true loyalty...stand up," he told me and so I did.
"Bring her in Wormtail," he demanded.
The strange looking man called Wormtail opened the door to another room and and casted a levitation spell into it. He held the door open with one hand and with the other one, which looked like it was made out of pure moonlight he levitated something out of the room using his wand.
Someone, hands and feet tied together, levitated out of the room.
The person had their head tilted down. She looked very starved.
The read curly hear hanging down her head dirty and matted.
No. This wasn't real. Her head got raised slightly by wormtails magic.
And two familiar, but empty eyes meet mine. It was Christine.
With everything I had, I held myself under control and kept quiet.
"I believe you know our little companion?" the dark lord asked me.
"Yes, my lord," I answered keeping my voice steady.
"It has come to my attention that she is your friend, the person you care about the most," he continued.
"She is of no further use to us. Her blood is impure and her mother of no greater use... We already got everything we could out of her. Now however I decided that Nagini could use a nice little dinner. Would you do us the honor of serving it to her?" Voldemorts asked.
My thoughts were racing. He wanted me to kill her, my best friend. There was no way I could do that. She coughed up blood. Her condition was extremely bad. I wanted to run over to her and try to save her. I could only imagine what she went through.
I held back the tears forcing myself to stay calm and cool on the outside. Not only Christine but also I would die if I would let my emotions get the best of me now. Professor Snape could lose his position or even worse die because Voldemort would suspect that he tried to infiltrate the death eaters to serve Dumbledore.
My brain shut down. There was no other way. I had to do this. I had to kill my one and only friend.
I looked into her eyes. It was quiet in the room and suddenly I could hear her whisper.
"(Y/n)... (y/n) please..."
She sounded so broken. I saw the tears starting to form in her eyes.
"The little mudblood can't do It, my lord, let me.." I heard Bellatrix call from behind me, but Voldemort cut her off. "shhh," he hissed.
I couldn't it was not possible. No. No. No. No. I held back my own tears and raised my wand.
"Avada kedavra," I said in a clear, cold voice. I heard a few people casp behind me.
The green lighter hit her right in the chest. She made a crying sound and dropped to the cold stone ground. Dead. She was dead. I killed her. I felt the pain and tears rise inside of me. "focused, idiot. Concentrate!" I told myself. I turned my head back to Voldemort. He looked quite satisfied.
"Well done. You proofed where your true loyalty lies. Nagini enjoy!" he told his snake which started devouring Christine's body.
I looked straight into the dark lord's eyes.
"Do you swear to always follow my commands, to give your life and any others to fulfill any given task and serve me and our cause?" Voldemort asked me.
"I swear, my lord," I responded.
"The sins of your father shall no longer rest on your shoulders," he said.
"Your arm!" Voldemort demanded reaching for my left arm. I gave him what he wanted.
"From this day forward you will serve the greater good. The true ruler of this world," he announced, pressing his wand against my arm. He started to mumble something in parsel. The dark mark formed on my arm. Hot pain started to shoot through my veins. But I didn't even flinch. I embraced it. I deserved every bit of it.
He let go of my arm and looked at my face.
I obeyed.
The room was still silent.
"Take this as an example. The one's, who believe in our cause shall be freed and be able to fight with us to take their rightful place in our new world. The once, who fail to acknowledge my power and the one and only true world order will die at the hands of those freed from us." He told the death eaters behind me.
"Severus," the dark lord called for my professor.
"Yes, my lord," he responded stepping forward.
"You made a good choice by bringing her to me. She will be most useful and loyal," he told him.
"Thank you, my lord," Snape replied.
"Get up child. Severus escort her back to Hogwarts. Dumbledore shall not notice her absence. If someone in her dormitory asks any questions, tell them you brought her to the dark forest for detention," he commanded.
"I will," Snape responded.
"You shall leave," he said making a throwing gesture.
I nodded.
"My lord." Then I turned to my professor his face was as unemotional as mine.
He turned on his heels and left the room and so did I, following him. I held back my emotions. My thoughts went crazy on me and I had to hold back a sob and remain calm.
We stepped out of the front gate of the manor.

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