Chapter 9 ~Leave~

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There was no use to hide from the potions master he already spotted me too and headed in my direction with a stern look on his face. He looked distressed but as he moved closer his face grew cold and stern. I wasn't scared. He would only give me detection and deduct house points. But where did he come from... It hit me like a baseball bat... Voldemort... Some sort of death eater meeting what else?! Oh lord poor professor. Wait for what? I'm in trouble right now. I shouldn't pity the man who would probably go nuts on me in a second and he must have done something to end up as a death eater. No! What was I thinking, even though he seemed unpleasant, everyone makes mistakes, he was not a bad person... I guess. Dumbledore trusts him!
I got torn out of my debate with myself when the professor reached me.
"Miss (y/l/n), what are you doing out here at this hour?" he barked.
"I could ask you the same question, sir, " I responded raising an eyebrow.
"That's not your concern (y/l/n). You shall not disrespect your teachers like that, " he spat moving closer to me. This triggered something in me.
"Oh I know sir and even if I wanted to I would never forget it, " I went right back at him raising my hand putting the backside of it directly under his nose. I'm very sure he had a good view of the fresh scar, which was spelling those dreadful words. I had to write several more times and the healing process was going over with each reopening of the wound. When I realized my little breakout, I gasp pulling my hand back under my sleeve.
"I'm so sorry, sir. I don't know what came over me. I shouldn't be here, " I muttered. Not that I was scared or anything, but I felt guilty and sorry for being so disrespectful. Behaving like this I was no better than Harry Potter.
Professor Snape glared at me.
"Show me your hand."
"Show me... your hand... (y/l/n), " the professor repeated slowly and cold.
I did. He looked at it then at me.
"Fifty points from Slytherin and a week worth of detention... With me, " he said sternly.
"Now get back to your dormitory, " he never raised his voice but because of his imperious aura, be didn't need to.
We walked back in silence.
"I will inform the headmaster of your behavior, (y/l/n), " he said at the entry to the dungeons.
"Sorry again. Goodnight, sir, " I said politely.
"Leave, " he said ice-cold staring me down. I went into my dormitory. I hoped that Dumbledore wouldn't freak out about this... But I don't think he will, he has other problems at the time. I just hope it won't come to  Umbridge's attention. She would most likely kill me... Hm... The professor did see my hand and a week of detention is actually not that much... What was happening behind closed doors? I just needed to be more careful the next time...
One thing still bothered me though... Where did professor Snape come from? And what did he know?

Any wishes? I am willing to include them in the next chapters if it suits the further storyline. ;)
By the way, thank you for voting so much these days. <3

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