Chapter 12 ~(y|l|n)?~

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During the holidays I have been owling Christine several times and at first, she seemed to handle her mother pretty well. Until her letters started to concern me. Her already messy handwriting was nearly unreadable and she sounded very concerned about seeing dark figures outside of her house during the past few days. Seemingly observing, what was going on inside and waiting for something.
I was worried sick but sadly couldn't do much about her current situation.
I told her to contact the Aurors and even the muggle police but the Aurors had to much work on their hands and every time the police arrived the dark figures had already vanished.
Apparated probably. It was pretty obvious to me that the people outside of her house were indeed death eaters. I send a copy of her last letter to Professor Dumbledor. He had been acting rather strange lately but I still hoped for a helpful response, since Christine's mother was freaking out completely, going nuts on her and her brother, not capable of helping herself and her children.
I was just deeply uncomfortable about the whole situation but not stupid enough to pull some unintelligent actions like Potter always does.
Umbridge was still tyrannizing the entire castle ruining the last bit of leftover Christmas spirit for all of the students and staff.
The day before Christmas approached relatively fast. I went out for some cardio before my morning coffee and went to the great hall after that.
The house tables had been pushed to the sides of the huge room and one table was in the middle of it. The students were still asleep and apparently most teachers too. Most. But one was already wide awake. Professor Snape. He was sitting at the table drinking coffee, reading the daily prophet and not even recognizing my existence.
"Good morning, sir, " I greeted him politely. The Professor didn't even react to my approach and kept on reading the newspaper in his hand, sipping on his black coffee.
Once I sat down and poured myself a cup of coffee too an owl flew in and dropped my daily prophet right over my head. I caught the newspaper while the owl was already leaving again.
When I opened the folded paper one thing immediately caught my eye more people had gone missing. I scanned through the list. Then I stopped. it was her name. It couldn't be. No. It must be another Christine Gladstone. The realization hitted me hard. It was Christine my only true and best friend. She went missing. For a split moment, I felt nothing. I felt dead. It was a fact. A sober fact. No shit Sherlock. Facts are most likely sober. I felt the blood pumping through my body and a painful heat spread through me. I stood up slowly in total shock. No emotion upon my face. On the outside completely calm and collected.
"Keep your face straight. Stay clam. Show no emotions, not in front of Professor Snape, " I preached to myself inside my head.
"(y|l|n) ?" The potions master asked with a raised eyebrow in his monotonous manner. Probably being suspicious about me already leaving, with my full cup of coffee still on the table, my daily prophet clenched up in my hand.

(A|N) Soooooo, I'm still alive... Yay... I guess. 😂
If you have any ideas, inspiration, wishes, corrections or whatever, drop it in the comments.
I really appreciate any kind of constructive feedback.
See you soon.

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