Chapter 54 ~the end~

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I was officially the future potions master of Hogwarts... I couldn't believe it, this was amazing!
It was the only thing I could be happy about these days.
It pretty late when a snake Patronus reached me.
It rolled up in front of my bed which I was sitting on, then Draco Malfoys voice filled the room.
"Come on to the astronomy tower. It's time."
Fuck my life. I got up from my bed putting on my shoes and cloak.
Hurrying towards the astronomy tower I grabbed my wand... Just in case...
I ran up the stairs.
"Death eaters in Hogwarts!" I heard someone scream through the halls. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
I reached the tower and there was Dumbledore barely standing, while Malfoy had his wand pointed at him Bellatrix, Greyback and another death eater behind him.
My eyes widened. No.
"Good evening, (y/l/n). I guess Mister Malfoy called you?"
I nodded. He had used my last name he wanted them to think he didn't know me.
"Two of my students in the claws of darkness. I can only hope that you'll find the right path again," Dumbledore said.
It hit me hard. He had known of this. He intentionally pretended that he didn't know I was part of that foul pack... I gave him a look which was meant to tell him that I was sorry.
He nodded.
"Nice that you had a little talk with my bastard niece over here but now it's time old man! Come on Draco. Do it!"
"No," I heard my Professor voice coming from behind me.
He stepped up to my side.
"Severus," Dumbledore said slightly above a whisper.
"Avada Kedavera," Professor Snape's deep voice next to me said. The green light hitter him and he started falling.
No. No. No.
He fell like in slow motion.
Why? Snape looked at me and the pain in his eyes made me shiver. Bellatrix cast the dark mark into the sky, laughing maniacally.
"Come!" She barked at me.
"No, she won't, " Professor Snape, who had been pushing Draco, said.
My eyes wandered to the ground as my head tried to progress what had just happened and there stood Potter. Shit.
"Stupor." I had to manipulate his memories. He wasn't supposed to know that I had been here. This had to be right the way it happened. It would explain a lot.
Potter blocked the spell but after a little exchange of blows, I had him pinned down in a petrificus totalus.
"I'm sorry Potter, but Dumbledore obviously wanted me to stay in my role." A tear slipped out of my eye.
"He never told me it would end like this though. Apparently, Professor Snape was the only one he told that he would die at his hand. I hope they knew what they were doing" My voice was all choked up.
"Obliviate." I erased myself out of his memory then made him levitate into a standing position bidding away from his view, ending his petrified state. I could hear him running off. Hopefully, I had got it right. Hopefully, this had all been planed.
I cast an illusion spell on myself leaving the tower. There were fights in the halls so nobody was able to spot me because they were all busy and my spell worked fine.
Why was he dead? I went back to the Slytherin common room.
Taking the illusion spell of myself running back upstairs.
"What happened?" I asked the passing Professor McGonagle.
"We have been attacked by death eaters. I need to find professor Dumbledore, " she told me while passing by. Believe me, you didn't want that. I thought, keeping up my act. I saw a few people heading outside and followed them.
He was lying in front of the astronomy tower as if he was sleeping there. Another tear slipped out of my eye. Why if this had been all planed haven't I known about it. Please dear God let this all be planed. But Professor Dumbledore had always told me to trust professor Snape, his hand the weird behavior it all added up.
I walked up to Dumbledore a crowd had formed around him.
I wished I could walk to him kneel down and cry, but I couldn't. Why would I do so? I might be in the order of the phoenix but apparently, nobody should know about how "close" we had been.
It was over Dumbledore was dead...


Actually, the fight had just begun.

A/N: opinion, please! Don't hesitate to vote, if you liked it! 🥺🖤
I will update again tomorrow!

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