Chapter 42 ~teenage boys~

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It was mid-March by now. The air had gotten warmer and the flowers had started to flourish.
I was very nervous around my professor nowadays and had lost several duels against him because of that nervousness and his great powers.
It was the middle of the day I had just walked out of my charms class and wanted to go to the girl's bathroom, in which Murtel was because there was almost never a single soul.
But when I pushed open the door I heard someone cry from inside. I thought about turning right on my heels but then my kind side got the best of me and I walked in.
When I reached the sinks I saw it was Malfoy.


"Hello, Draco" I softly spoke. I actually didn't like him but it wasn't entirely his fault... It's the way he was raised too and I needed him to cooperate...
He abruptly turned around his wand plunged into his hand, pointing at me, his eyes red from crying.
"WHAT DO YOU WANT HERE (Y/L/N)?!" he screamed at me.
"Oh, actually I just wanted to use the bathroom, " I said slowly walking in his direction. Swinging my hips with every step.
"No, I don't think I will..." I gave it back. I had walked right in front of him his wand now rarely touching my chest. I bit my lip and slightly forward.
"If you don't -" he tried to threaten but his voice had already weakened. He was very nervous... I wonder why... ( ;) )
"So tell me, " I purred.
"Why are you here all alone crying? Is the tasked the dark lord gave you that hard for you?" I asked leaning against a sink now my legs crossed.
"What do you know about that task?!" He hissed lifting the wand he had lowered again.
"Oh please, it is obvious... I have been watching you..." I smirked slightly.
"All that poison stuff, your behavior when it comes to professor Snape..."
He looked horrified. But still very nervous.
"Oh, come on it's not like I'm gonna tell somebody... After all, we are on the same side..." I ever so slightly lifted my hand pushing his down so he would lower his wand. He was totally buying the supportive and somehow seductive act, teenage boys... I'll tell you...
"Just know that if you ever need help... You can always call on me, " I kept on digging.
"This is my task, I'M THE CHOSEN ONE- "
"And I won't take that away from you." My fingers were now tracing little circles on his lower arm.
"No one would ever know... Just tell me if you need something after all... We got to stick together..."
With that, I left the room a starring Draco Malfoy behind me.
Eww... I'd have to wash my hands now...
But I knew he would come back... And probably more talkative this time... (😈)
I needed to find out what was going on and Draco Malfoy seemed to be the key...

(A/N): Soooo, please tell me your opinion in the comments and vote if you liked this chapter! 🤗
Stay home, stay save

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