Chapter 44 ~I did~

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"You really should be more careful around Draco Malfoy... He's very... imponderable..." Snape said in a calm tone.
"I'm sorry... I just need to know what is going on..." I explained myself.
"If that was the case, professor Dumbledore would inform you," he gave back flatly.
"That's not my point! What if somebody is in danger and I didn't know about it... I couldn't help them!" I said.
"We are all more then capable to help ourselves. You already know too much..."
"With all due respect... I don't even know when your birthday is," I said humorless.
"As if that mattered to you." He snarred.
I was taken aback. Well, it was only an example but actually I would really like to know.
"As a matter of fact it does," I said now calmed and soft again.
I gave him a questioning look.
"You really want to know, don't you?" he asked raising an eyebrow. I nodded.
He gave me a "what is wrong with you" look.
"I was born on the ninth of January
1960," he said in an annoyed tone.
So he had turned 37 this year.
"I see. You should have told me earlier... I could have baked you a cake, sir" I told him.
"That is highly inappropriate... As giving your teacher a Christmas gift... I want you to take the book back... It's a very exquisite and expensive exemplar...-"
"I gave it to you, because I wanted you to have it. The price does not matter... I won't take it back and if we are honest moste things we been trough aren't supposed to happen in a student-teacher relationship, " I explained. Or did he think it was a normal student-teacher activity to go to death eater meetings together?
"I can't keep it," he was now very calm again.
"Why not?"
"I can't."
"Yes you can! You are the only one who recived a present from me this year..."
"Because there is no one else left for you to buy a present for."
"No. Because you are one of the few people I ever cared about. I mean of course I could have bought Dumbledore a pressent... But I decided to spent the money I had left on this book and give it to you, just because I wanted to make you happy on Christmas," when I was done he looked at me weirdly.
"Oh come on, sir. Why is it so bad for you that I think you are a good person?"
"Because you are a blind fool for beliving so," he looked at me coldly. Wow and again showing my emotions was bad for me.
"I don't know which of us is the bigher fool," I said cold as ice.
"If you will excuse me now I'll be leaving we have discussed the matter Draco Malfoy already and I preffer spending my day with valuable things," my face was blanck, my voice cold and without any emotion. I stood up and went to the door.
"I did not dissmis you (y/l/n)!" Snape called after me.
I turned around in the already open door.
"Exactly, I did."

A/N: Jesus it is getting cold.
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