Chapter 13 ~Thank you, sir~

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"Nothing of greater importance, sir," I responded.
I had myself under total control.
"Don't lie to me, " he shot back his voice even deeper than usual.
"Oh, it is just some sentiment, " I told him blankly.
"Miss Christine Gladstone has gone missing, " I explained myself.
"What a pity, " the potions master replied his voice dripping with sarcasm.
"I already predicted this reaction of yours, sir. So I'll be leaving now. Enjoy your coffee, professor," I was completely emotionless. Perfectly under control, while I died on the inside.
The professor raised an eyebrow and for a split second, a hint of annoyance but also confusion was planted on his face but quickly was replaced by his usual cold expression. He turned to his daily prophet again and I left the hall.
I walked down the corridor in total shock trying to look unimpressed, when Umbridge came around the next corner. Good damn it. She was absolutely the last person I wanted to see right now.
"Miss (y|l|n), where are you rushing to?" She asked in her high-pitched, annoying voice.
I didn't respond and just kept walking.
"(y|l|n)! I am talking to you!" She got louder. Still no reaction from me.
"Stupor!" I quickly turned and block her spell none verbally and stared her dead in the eyes. It was really hard to maintain my emotions.
All of a sudden a dark silhouette appeared behind Umbridge.
It was Professor Snape, he probably heard Umbridge's screaming and got alerted.
Umbridge saw my gaze fading behind her and turned around herself just to see the potions master tower over her.
"Is there a problem Snape?" She asked rudely in her high-pitched and now very sharp voice.
"Obviously, " the professor responded blankly.
"Well, my problems are none of your business and could only be solved by throwing (y|l|n) Into the dark lake with a chain around her!" She was raging like crazy.
"If assistance is needed, you know where to find me, " he said monotonously. Walking past her in my direction.
"Thank you, sir, " I whispered while he walked by. If he wouldn't have appeared I would have probably hexed her in my current emotional state.
He raised an eyebrow. Giving me a questioning look.
"For keeping me from hexing her, " I muttered about a whisper so Umbridge wouldn't hear me. He just gave me a blanck expression and walked on. I glanced back at Umbridge, who looked like she was about to say something but I just ignored her attempt. I needed to get out of her and clear my head. My best friend went missing. I needed a plan. I turned on my heels and walked away.

(A/N) Hi, I just wanted to drop a quick update... I hope you liked it.
As always please tell me your thoughts and ideas in the comments and also vote if you liked the chapter. 🙃
PS. cocoxx7 here you go with some Umbridge action. 😉

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