Chapter 56 ~I trust you~

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After everyone had left and the funeral had been over, I stepped up to the white marble grave. Placing my hand on top of the cool stone.
"I hope you knew what you did, old man, " I said sarcastically a tear running down my face.
"You put us through a lot of shit... But still, I really liked you as did our cloaked friend." I sobbed slightly.
"I hope you're fine up there, we all make mistakes... I won't let your sacrifice go to waste and he won't either... Let's just hope that I'm right with my assumption. You truly are a genius... If that was your master plan. Everyone bought it it was perfect, " I told Dumbledore... Or at least I pretended to do so.
"Goodbye, I'll be back next year... Fulfilling the task you gave me."
I petted the soft but cold stone one last time then I left.
I had all of my things together already and only got them to go to the train.
It was more silent in the Hogwarts express then ever before.
When we reached the track 9 3/4 I immediately apparated to my home. As I stepped in the yard the old memories hit me. There were no dogs greating me, no children playing... My childhood might have been pretty bad and my relationship with my family very... Let's say very difficult, still itl felt weird standing here now. I opened up the door. As I walked into the house I noticed this dust layer on everything. The house was mostly empty. Only the furniture was still left.
Okay... Let's clean this shit up. The last bit of money I made before I made was still on my bank account so I had some pounds left to buy stuff and then had to find myself a job again.
I put my stuff into my old room and got my purse out. After about five hours the fridge held some food I had cleaning supplies and the house was cleaner than ever before.
As I got ready to put my stuff away my dark mark burned.
Okay (y/n), you got this!
I stepped out of the house and apperated immediately. But to my surprise, the call had brought me to Malfoy manor. Alright then keep your head up, be cold.
I walked up to the gate and with a five of my wand it opened. After I had walked through it closed behind me. At the doorstep stood worm tail.
"Hello, (y/n), " he spoke using his nasty, brown-nosing tone.
"Where is the dark lord?" I asked coldly.
He obviously didn't like my cold way but lead me to the dining room of the manor. There sat the dark lord, only professor Snape and Bellatrix strange at his side.
I keeper my had up. Remember, you are a cold-blooded death eater.
"(Y/n), " the ugly voice of the dark lord greater me.
"Come have a seat. I have heard from Severus that he left you behind so we could still gather information from the order?"
"Indeed. They don't have the slightest idea of my double life. The only one who found out is now dead, " I said in a sober voice. Voldemort giggled disgustingly.
"Oh, I like your senses of humor. I have decided that Severus will be your headmaster next year, he has told me that you are stepping into his footprints becoming potions master."
"I'll do if you allow so."
"I don't just allow it, it's a command!" He told me.
I nodded.
"You are allowed to leave now. Sever us you have made a wise decision leaving her there. She will be most useful in her current position. You can leave as well, " the dark lord dismissed us.
This was proof of my theory. Snape didn't tell Voldemort I wasn't on his side. If he was loyal towards him he would have. This had all been planed.
You can't fool me Dumbledore.
The professor and I both walked out of the room. Leaving the mention.
And walking through the main entry.
"Leaving already?" worm tail asked getting into my way.
"Step aside, " I growled at him and he did. Idiotic freak.
As the professor and I got outside of the manor I looked him deep into his black eyes.
"I trust you." And with those words I apparated.

A/N: I take it back. I just had to upload again... You already know what to do with your opinion and if you liked the chapter, so I won't bother you with that right now. 🙃🖤

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