Chapter 36 ~mine?~

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I had wrapped the book into some smooth black wrapping paper. With some little for branches on it

(Something like this) I really liked the way it looked

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(Something like this)
I really liked the way it looked... Like somehow rustic, but very classy.
It was about half-past seven. Let's get this gift to his owner! I just wanted to drop it off. He would probably not be happy about seeing me anyways.
I got out of my dormitory and headed to Snap's office. I knocked. No response... Maybe he wasn't there? I knocked again. Nothing I put the present down in front of the door and turned around. Then I heard something shatter. What was going on in there?
"Professor Snape?" I knocked again calling his name.
Nothing. Okay, I had to know what was going on in there! Maybe he was hurt!
I tried to unlock the door and to my surprise, it worked... This was weird... It had just been a simple spell.
"Professor Snape?" I asked again stepping into his office. I heard a muffled noise coming from the door to his living room. Alright, let's see.
I walked towards the door... And then entered the living room.
Professor Snape was sitting in his armchair a shattered bottle on the floor and a glass in his hand. The stinging smell of fire whiskey hit me.
"What are you doing in here (Y/l/n)? You better leave immediately!" Snape hissed at me
"Merry Christmas to you too! I wanted to bring your present over but you didn't answer the door and I heard a shattering sound from inside so I decided to help myself in to check on you!"
"This is highly inappropriate! Yo-"
"Oh come on! It's not like I have murdered my best friend in front of you!"
It was silent for a moment.
Our eyes met. His were glassy and I realized he was more than just a bit tipsy.
"Okay (Y/n), calm down!" I told myself.
"I thought you had gone home?" He asked.
"I did, but then I came back. I had to do something..." I responded.
I took my wand out and withe a swish the broken bottle and the spilled whiskey had vanished.
"I meant to give you this, " I said walking over to him kneeling down in front of the chair, to be on his level. I handed him the wrapped up book.
"And what exactly should I do with it, Miss (y/ln)?" He asked not looking at me.
"Well since it is yours you can do whatever you want with it, but I would suggest you unwrap it first, " I responded with a clear hint of ironic in my else soft voice.
"Mine?" He seemed confused.
"Indeed. This is my Christmas gift to you, " I explained a bit slower.
He gave me a weird look. Something in the lines of "Are you kidding me?!" and "What the actual freak?!"
He then slowly grabbed the present I was holding in front of him.
He then proceeds to open the wrapping still slowly and surprisingly carefully.
The way he stared at the book once he reveals it made me doubt my earlier decision to buy it.
After a long period of silence, he looked up to me incomprehensively.
"Thank you, " he whispered hoarsely.
"Don't mention it, " I said smiling up at him.
I got off my knees.
"I'll be leaving. Have a nice Christmas, Eve, " I said walking towards the door.
"Wait, " I heard my professor from behind me. I turned around he had gotten up.
"Since you already invaded my quarters, why don't you just stay for a bit?" He asked.
Well... Why not... The only thing I wanted to do this evening was to drink a bottle of red wine and forget about everything.
"Of course I will, " I said walking towards the second armchair in the room.
"Since you have destroyed your whiskey and obviously had enough of that anyway, would you like some red wine?" I asked the potions master.
"Thank you but I don't drink no cheap muggle wine, " he responded dryly.
"It's actually no such thing," I gave back. I had one more expensive wine at my dorm. It had been a gift from my father, who had tried to brown-nose so I would not tell people that he actually was an asshole. Since he was an internationally active doctor and didn't want his reputation to be ruined and after all wanted to mimic the perfect father even though he was miles away from it.
I summoned the wine.
"Do you mind if I grab two of your wine glasses?" I asked the Professor.
"Go ahead."
I got up and took two glasses out of his showcase. I poured wine into them and handed Snape one. It was very strange how every time I had any physical contact with him I felt a sudden warmth and a flood of magic coming from the spot where we touched. Even the short brushing of our fingers, while I handed him the glass made me feel exactly what I just described. I quickly took a huge sip of my wine. Damn, that's fucked up. I really needed something to ease my mind right now.
"So what have you done all evening?" I asked.
"What have you done at home?" He asked back. He might be a bit drunk but he still wasn't willing to tell me shit.
Should I actually tell him? Maybe just to shock him?
"I erased my family's memory of me. Now back to my question... What did you do all evening?"
He looked surprised. He probably didn't expect me to do such a thing. It was a huge step. I had basically lost everything and was now totally alone.
"I just sat there, drinking whiskey, " he gave back.
"So both our Christmas plans included drowning the reality in liquor, " I dryly said.
"Obviously, " he replied.
"No telling me that it wouldn't be necessary for me since my life is extremely easy today?" I asked sarcastically, while I downed my second glass of wine.
"I would be a fool to still claim that. Considering all of the given information, " he gave back. Wait a minute... Did he just admit that he had been wrong all this time?
"Well, I guess you have got really good reasons to be all alone getting drunk on Christmas too?" I asked him.
"Who should I be with?" He asked. I had always guessed that he was a lonely person but hearing it from him made me sad...
"Well my company might not be the best but at least I brought some wine..." I tried.
"Hm" was all I got as a response.
I downed my third glass of wine finally feeling some kind of effect.
It was silent for a moment then professor Snape raised his voice.
"Why would a young woman such as yourself not just go to some bar? I believe there are plenty of men out there, who are more than willing to spend their Christmas Eve with you, " he claimed.
"Negative, " I shortly gave back.
"Oh come on Miss (y/l/n)! Just throw on that pretty little dress of yours and you are all good, " he kept on insisting.
"Are you trying to get rid of me, sir?" I asked blankly.
"No, I'm just telling you that you have options."
"Well, maybe I prefer to spend my Christmas Eve with the mean dungeons bat, the professor I respect, and the man that saved my life on several occasions, " I responded.
"And since I got the "all in one package" with you I think I'm good!"
I looked up from my glass just to meet my professor's dark, mysterious eyes.
"You forgot the part about me being a death eater, a murderer, and an old git, " he added to my list.
"Oh please, it's not like we're not even!" I almost hissed.
"We are not!"
"Even if we weren't, I couldn't care less! You'll just have to live with the fact that I enjoy your company!"

A/N: Christmas. Done!

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