Chapter 62 ~Ginny Weasley~

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Potters little friends had decided to try and steal the sword of Gryffindor... Bloody Idiots... Severus had "punished" them by sending them into the forbidden forest with Hagrid. Voldemort and Lestrange wanted it in her vault at Gringotts, so Severus did the only thing he could do. He placed a replica into her vault. Now Christmas occurred... What should I say? It would be lonely. The castle was dark there were no Christmas trees, no decorations, no lights inside of the darkness...
I rushed down the halls my cloak billowing behind me. As I heard loud screaming. It was Alecto.
"How dare you disrespect me! Cruti-"
I stepped in front of the trembling Ginny Weasley.
"Alecto. What seems to be the problem here?" My eyebrow was raised highly my face cold.
"I am teaching a student, (y/n)! Now step out of my way!" She almost screamed at me. Her spit flying everywhere, her ugly face in a grimace.
"A student, which I awaited for detention ten minutes ago, " I told her free from any emotion.
"If any of my students ever are late to my detention again, because of you. I will have to report that to the headmaster..." I hissed
"And you know how the dark lord feels about his or my authority being questioned..." I gave her a cold glare, stepping close to her so only she could hear me. Since I took Severus position as an information source, I had reached a high level of value for Voldemort and was clearly above Alecto when it came to the hierarchy. She, who had been there longer, obviously disliked that fact.
She breathed heavily making a disgusted face then stormed off.
"Follow me, Miss Weasley, " I turned to the on the floor laying girl.
She got up hesitate.
I walked down to the dungeons to my office and grapped some diptam essence and self-created healing cream.
"Sit, " I commanded and she obeyed. Her lip was busted open and her nose was bleeding. I dripped some diptam on her lip and spread the cream across it, then I ran a check-up spell. Her nose wasn't broken but sprained.
With a flick of my wand, the bleeding stopped and her nose healed.
"Take this, " I told her giving her a regeneration potion.
She looked at me strangely.
"If I wanted you dead, I would have let professor Carrow torture you, " I hissed coldly. Was she retarded?
She drank the potion and mumbled, "Thank you, professor."
"Now go to my classroom for a bit before you leave, so nobody gets suspicious and try not to get in trouble, " I told her.
She nodded and left. Stupid girl... She was only three years younger than me and yet so childish...

A/N: until later.

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